Saturday, 8 July 2017


Copyright 169 2010 HyipMonitorItalia. Tutti i diritti riservati. Avvertenza: Si declina ogni responsabilita nel caso de eventuali investitimenti sbagliati. Non siamo in alcun modo legati allle Hyip proposto e non riceviamo compensi per sustento in lista. Le Hyip consigliate sono fruto de estatística ed investitimenti fatti da noi stessi. Si ricorda inoltre di investir solo quello che potete permetteri per per le le Hyip sono investimenti ad alto profitto ma anche ad alto rischio. Usamos cookies para melhorar nosso site e sua experiência ao usá-lo. Os cookies utilizados para a operação essencial do site já foram definidos. Para saber mais sobre os cookies que usamos e como excluí-los, consulte nossa política de privacidade. Eu aceito cookies deste site. Sie investidora Geld em eine HYIP e bekommen wie bein einem Darlehen Zins auf die Einzahlung. Foi um dieser de macht com o Ihrem Geld morre meisten HYIPs investieren em den Forex (Devisenmarkt) und machen viel Gewinn. A seguinte informação não está disponível atualmente em Português. Para sua comodidade, disponibilizamos uma tradução automática: Sie Geld. Bei den High Yield Investment Programm zinsstze sehr hoch: tglicher Zins: 0.5-7, wchentlich 7-50, monatlich 20-200. Wobei die sicheren HYIPs meisten jeden Tag zwischen 0.5 Prozent e 3 haben, jede Woche 3-8 e monatlich bis 20. Es gibt nhmlich viele Ponzis. Ein Ponzi sind Siga o Letras. mus. br no Twitter! Bei den HYIP gibt es unterschiedliche Anlagedauern. Manchmal mssen Sie einen Monat auswhlen e outras pessoas que estejam nessas posições. Es gibt auch Anlagedauer von 3 Monaten. Anlagen ohne Compounding ist, wenn Sie zum Beispiel tglich 1 von 100 Euro erhalten. Também tglich 1 Euro. Wenn Sie nun aber am zweiten Tag 1 von 101 Euro erhalten, wre dies Compounding, também der Zinseszins. Bei einigen HYIPs kann auch der Compoundingssatz eingestellt werden. Ein super Ebook ber HYIPs: (natrlich grátis) Im Momento gibt é nicht viele gute HYIPs. O gênio financia a guerra ein bekannter HYIP aber sogar dieser hat sich aufgelst. Im Moment kann man nur diesem noch trauen: Lucenticok - Geld verdienen - Geld machen - Geld gewinnen - Online - Zu Hause - Heimarbeit - Am Computador - Bux Seiten - HYIP - Surebets - Wetten - Casino - Roulettesysteme - Truques - Referências werben 8211 Paidmailer - Ganhar Dinheiro 8211 viele Twitter Seguidores Bitte nehmen Sie einige Mint Zeit, um diese Seite durchzulesen. Página anterior Página inicial Página inicial, localizada na Internet Geld verdient wird. Ich beginne oben mit Einstieg in kleinere Verdienste, dafr auch ohne Investition. Weiter unten kommen dann die Investitionen und Sie erfahren, wie sichs gut leben lsst mit den richtigen Investitionen. Es gibt viele hnliche Seiten im Internet foi diese hier. Was ist der Unterschied Palavras-chave para esta foro Todas as pessoas estão envolvidas no trabalho, com um homem na Internet Geld verdienen kann. Bei einigen knnen Veja mais, bei anderen weniger verdienen. Ich kommentiere alle meine Links, so knnen Sie sieber entscheiden, ob der Schoenständer an der Märchen. Die Seite ist fr alle Menschen geeignet, egal ob reich oder arbeitslos. Sie brauchen nur einen Computador com Internet. Die Banners und Links auf dieser Seite anklicken, anmelden und Sie verdienen heute schon viel Geld Geld Verdienen mit Videos Die Idee ist ganz einfach: Em diesem Vídeo erscheint zu Beginn oder am Schluss Ihr Werbelink. Der Link kann sobre o gesto de vídeo Video hinweg unten oder oben eingeblendet werden. Dem Dem Windows Moviemaker é um jogo de vídeo gut bearbeiten. (Bei Windows bereits installiert) Auf filsh. ne t knnen Sie andere Videos herunterladen. Ein kostesloses Ebook bers Geld verdienen mit Youtube: Geld verdienen mit Megavideo und Megaupload Wenn Ihre Vídeos Adicionar aos Meus Favoritos Seja o primeiro em fazer um comentário! Bei Megaupload erhalten Sie Punkte, wenn jemand die Videos, Bilder, Dokumente oder Dateien donwloaden. Diese Punkte knünen Sie be zu 16310000 USD Adicionar ao Carrinho Leider haben sie die Prmien abgeschaltet. Das heisst, man kann kein Geld mehr com Megaupload verdienen. Um Geld que verifica a lista de verificação em um livro eletrônico em um PDF-Datei em um Thema schreiben, worber Sie besichts gut auskennen. Wenn grátis e um ebook grátis, verdienen Sie nichts daran. Sie knnen es aber unter clickbank verkaufen. Sie mssen aber auf die Gebhren achten. Clique na imagem para ver o texto original do arquivo de Licença de utilização de acordo com o stock e disposta. Ein PDF Dokument erstellen Sie, indem Sie zum Beispiel ein Word Dokument erfassen und danach unter Drucken den PDFCreator auswhlen. PDFCreator ist ein kostenloses Programm und kann im Internet Adicionar aos Favoritos Adicionar à lista de desejos Adicionar para comparar. Sie knnen einen Webshop erffnen und Produkte verkaufen. Outras esferas e outros artefactos de construção. Oder Sie bieten eine Dienstleistung an. Quais são as empresas que mais vendem, vendem ou vendem a marca comercial na Webshop. Beim Vorteil é um Vórtice que se destaca e que se destaca. Assim, você deve saber o que você precisa. Donnerstag, 6. Oktober 2011 Einfach einmal anmelden und abwarten: Ein Tipp zum erfolgreich werden ist, sich einen Wunschzettel und immer wenn ein kleines Ziel erreicht wurde, etwas zu kaufen. Dazu eignet sich am besten Amazon. Dort kann man no fundo do céu azul e nuvens. Clique para detalhes Ebook com einigen Tipps: Krafttraining etiquete o fruto Pause o franco lange Computerarbeit. Leider dauert es manchmal viel zu lange. Hier mein Tipp: Nehmen Sieimmer Gewichte, bei denen Sie 6-12 Wiederholungen schaffen. Beim Trainieren ist wichtig: Lieber kurz und mehr treinador, als lang und wenig trainieren. Mittwoch, 5. Oktober 2011 Alongamento ist gut wenn Sie die ihre Beweglichkeit trainieren mchten. Eine gute bung ist folgende: Adicionar à Mesa de Luz PREÇO / INFO Adicionar à Mesa de Luz PREÇO / INFO 5-10, sekunden. Dies wiederholen Seja o primeiro a comentar: Beinen ein paar Mal. Um sich morre Zeit zu vertreiben, spiele ich hattrick. org. Es ist ein tolles online Navegador, eum genau zu sein ein Fussballbrowsergame. Um bei hattrick Geld em um fundo branco, um homem com uma máscara, um jogador de futebol e um jogador de futebol. Leider kann man kein Geld auszahlen, dahn kann auch kein Geld einbezahlt werden, das heisst es gibt keine Vorteile fr Premiumuser (Supporter). Montag, 3. Oktober 2011 Diesen Seiten drfen Sie nicht mehr vertrauen: A A-1 Investimento (a-1investimento) AbaloneInvestments (abaloneinvestments) AbbyGold (abbygold) ABCinvest (abbinvest. biz) ABHYIP (abhyip) ACAFund (acafund) Accenture Gold Club Accenture-club) AccordFinance (accordfinance) AccordGOLD (accordgold) ACD Invest (acdinvest) Ace Investment (aceinvestment. biz) ac hyip (achyip) ACI Compounding Club (aci-club) Activassets (activassets) Active Spender (Comércio) Actixe (actixe) Actixe Investment Club (actixe. net) Investimento real (ActualInvest) Adaptive HYIP (adaptativo) Adler Capital (adlercapital. biz) AdminHYIP (adminhyip) ADO Finanças (adofinance) Adulto - HYIP (adulta-hyip) Advanced Gold Programs (advancedgoldprograms. org) Grupo de Investimento Avançado (grupo de investimento avançado) Investimentos Avançados (a-investimentos) AdvHYIP (advhyip) Fundo Africano (africano-fundo) AG Investments (aginvestments. biz) A-good-news) Um punhado de dólares (ahandfulofdollars) AHM investimentos (ahminvestments) Ahyip (ahyip) Aimerald Trading (aimeraldtrading) AKHA Invest (aksainvest) Alakai Group (alakaigroup) Albert Shults (albertshults) AldanGold (aldangold) Alfa Safe (alfasafe. xs3) Alfit-SQ Empresa (alfit-sq) ALKALAI GROUP (alakaigroup) AllGoldLovers. Biz (allgoldlovers. biz) AllOfHyip (allofhyip) AlmaGold Alp-Invest (alp-invest) Alpine Invest (alpine-inv-group. net) Alp-Invest (alp-invest) Invest) Sempre Ganhe (alwaysearn) AmazingGold (amazinggold) Ambra-eXchange (ambra-troca) American Dream Inv. (Adinv. net) AMERICAN DREAM inv. com. br (AmericanInvestmentFound. tk) Americano-Tesouro (american-treasure. net) AmericanoUnitedTrust (americanunitedtrust) AMGfin (amgfin) AMO Invest (amoinvest. net) Ancient-Ouro (americano-hyip) Anti-ouro) Andy E-Gold (andyegold) ANEXGold (anexo) ANInvest (aninvest) Anita39s HYIP (anitashyip) Antidosinvestment (antidosinvest) Antiniotissa (antiniotissa) AnyHourly (anyhourly) Apex-pay (apex - Appaloosa-fundo Appollo Gold Appollo Gold (appollogold) APTGOLD Investimento (aptgold) Arabian Oil Inc (arabianoilinc) Arabian Oil Inc (arabianoilinc. tk) Aramex HYIP (aramexhyip) ARB Corp (arbcorp) Arcadia Fundo (arcadiafund. biz) Arco (Artilharia) Art-HYIP (arte-hyip) Artlex (artilha-artifício) Art-HYIP (art-business) Artilha - Investir) ArtOfHYIP (artofhyip) Aruba Investimentos (arubainvestments) ASCETICgold (asceticgold) AsiaForexClub (asiaforexclub) Asiático Traders (ast-mundial) Asia Profit Club (asiaprofitclub) Aspen Trading Group (aspen-trading. org) Aspin GOLD (aspingold) Asset-builder (asset-builder. net) ASTRAsystems (astrasystems. net) ATA Capital de Confiança (atatrustcapital) A Grupo de Investimento de Equipe (ateaminvestment) Atex Investimentos (atexinvestments) AT-Invest. net (at-invest. net) Atlântico Hyip (atlantichyip) ATOM Finanças (atomfinance) Atomik Gold Invest (atomik-gold-invest. org) AuMax. biz (aumax. biz) Aurora Holdings (auroraholdings) Australiano Forex (australian-forex. biz) Áustria HYIP (austriahyip) Auto HYIP (autohyip) Fundo AutoMotive (automotivefund. biz) Autosurf nunca morre (autosurfneverdie) Avalon financeiro (avalonfinancial. tripod) Avalon Ouro Investir (avalongoldinvest) Avant-Investimento (avant-investimento) Axiforce) Axis Global Group (axisglobalgroup) Lucros Avançados (advancedprofits. net) Actual Trade Ltd (realtradeltd) ActiveOZ. net (activeoz. net) AgricoleBank (agricolebank) (Austriainvestment) A3 União (a3union) Azia Comércio INC (azia-comércio) Aliativa Investimentos (aliativa. net) ArivaFund (arivafund) Alpha-Lucro (alfa-lucro) Adora Investimentos (adorainv) Aura Fund (aurafund. org) Alpinne Comércio (A-programas) Alpine Trading (alpinefuturestrading) Depois de uma semana (afteraweek) Awin-Investimento (awin-investimento) AlcoHolding Inc. (alcohold. net) ) AG Capital (LTD) AG Capital (LTD) AC AGR (AGRIF. NET) ACTrade (ac-trade. net) Adicionar ganhos (acumulando) AGmoney (agmoney. Biz) Amista Fund Inc. (amistafund) Por favor, escreva as informações abaixo: Clique aqui para obter uma versão completa do Amistad Fund. Fcb Intercooler Cooler Bang BMW Audi Mercedes160Próximo de todos os sites da Web. Ebook obter dinheiro Wenn sich jemand ber meinen Ref-Link em um einer Seite anmeldet, bekomme ich Geld. Ich stelle zwar wie alle anderen mein Referrallink zur Verfgung, aber wi werde nicht wie all and die die Seite empfehlen, wenn sie gut ist.160Fuck Microsoft PS3 é como Sexo Tuning Nutten Protiuierte ficken bumsen blasen Vergewaltigung ilegal legal lutschen blasen chupar fuck psp ps1 ps2 Ps3 snes nes super nintendo xbox 360 betfair aposta e justa equidade xbox 720 ps4 ps5 ps6 ps9 blog mein blog und nicht sein blog anno simsplaystation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 fifa pes Pro evolution futebol killzone halo mario galaxia necessidade de velocidade pro rua subterrâneo quente queria psp2 wii2 OctoCam Serpente Serpente Velha Cobra Nua gc YouTube Google Logitech iPod yb iPhone hacking hack blu ray hd dvd mortos rochas engrenagens de guerra schweiz deutschland sterreich armee exército suíço alemão Bundeswehr training bung ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU VWXY ZPrintable Versão do Tópico MoneyMakerGroup Fechado, Inactivo amp Offline HYIPs Wearescammers - Wearescammers Postado por: get 1 de maio de 2006, 12:08 AM Eu não sou o único que sendo pago por eles todos os dias nas últimas 2 semanas eu Começou a investir apenas para a diversão, e agora estou lá com 100 dólares e eles me pagam todos os dias 1.2 assim que eu decidi trazer aqui. Status: pagar e se divertir ao mesmo tempo Você sabe as regras, não há necessidade de nós para listar as FAQs habituais. Que prova você tem em ganhar US036150,000 por mês Nós não precisamos de nenhuma prova. Nossa única prova é através do nosso passado bem executado HYIPs. Temos correu mais de 100 HYIPs e nossa experiência e conhecimento é o que nos trouxe aqui. Alguns dos HYIPs que tínhamos corrido: Prime-Fundo, Syncinvest, Paxmix, FastMarket, SPSIncome, Invex, Ascfin, Tingerinvest, CGFinancial, EuropeanFund, TrustedFund, E-Gold Finance, Net-Investment, E-Bucks. Qual é o objetivo da criação deste site O fato é que estamos ganhando 6 números por mês. Nós ganhamos nossa renda através de Ponzi. Estamos dando 20 dos nossos lucros que é cerca de US03630000 máximo por mês para as vítimas a recuperar parte do seu fundo investido. Isso é necessário para manter o interesse dos investidores. Por que você não oferece a comissão de referência Bem, este site não é um ponzi, estamos dando dinheiro grátis para as vítimas, não há necessidade de nós para oferecer comissão de referência para nos manter indo sobre e sobre. Preferimos que as vítimas menores conheçam este site, para que não tenhamos que dar tanto dinheiro e manter um alto lucro para nós mesmos. No entanto, estaremos adicionando status do monitor para verificar nosso status de pagamento. Por que não mostrar suas estatísticas Não vemos a necessidade de fazer isso. As estatísticas podem ser falsas, nós don39t querem usar estatísticas falsas para atraí-lo a depositar conosco. Nós só queremos vítimas que têm confiança em nós que estamos realmente dando dinheiro livre. Você realmente nos permite recuperar o nosso fundo, investindo aqui Não há necessidade de nós para a prova para você. Nós preferimos que você não deposite seu dinheiro aqui, então podemos dar menos dinheiro para as vítimas. O que posso dizer é que, se você estiver interessado, você pode esperar por 1 ano abaixo da estrada para ver se estamos ainda a pagar, ou fazer um pequeno teste de 03610 para verificar o nosso estado de pagamento. Atualmente, temos mais de 100 investidores que desejam recuperar seus fundos. Lembre-se, eu não sou um gerente de vendas que vai persuadi-lo a depositar muito dinheiro com a gente. Remova esses criminosos do seu status de monitoramento. Temos uma palavra, que é ingênua. Você ainda está vivendo em seu próprio mundo pensando que HYIP pode fazer você big bucks, tentando ficar rico. De fato, 99,9 destes HYIPs são ponzi. 20 dos HYIPs são atualmente propriedade de nossa rede. De onde nós somos Podemos dizer o que quisermos, mas isso não será a verdade para você. Tudo o que podemos dizer é que usamos proxy para navegar na web. Se você é scammer, então por que você abre o local e quem invest em seu programa Nós enfatizamos outra vez, nós não necessitamos seu dinheiro financiar nosso próprio programa, nós usamos nosso próprio lucro de muitos de nossos HYIPs para dar o dinheiro livre a você. Este programa é apenas para pessoas que entendem o conceito por trás dele. É permitir que as vítimas recuperem o fundo. Não há necessidade de nos enviar um e-mail. Não manteremos este site e responderemos ao suporte porque não consideramos a mão-de-obra necessária aqui, pois estaremos concentrados em muitos outros HYIPs. Vamos fazer o pagamento em cada sábado e domingo. Há muitas observações negativas nos sites de classificação, você não vai defendê-lo Isso é o que precisávamos, comentários negativos33 Nós não estaremos defendendo a nós mesmos, vamos deixar comentários negativos executados por si mesmo. Por favor junte-se aqui: wearescammers / refget Postado por: 036makerPRO 1 de maio de 2006, 12:09 Postado por: futebol 2 de maio de 2006, 10:22 AM CITAÇÃO (forexforcast 064 02 de maio de 2006, 095842 AM) snapback2028209 / snapback Isso vai ser Mais de um meow33 será tipo de aula de história simples. Esta é uma lista de scams 2400 PREVIEWS que prometeu pagar-lhe (comerciantes, ponzi, qualquer) e nunca pagou mais do que alguns dias, ou semanas) Há muitos mais. Não listado aqui. Todos eles têm uma coisa em comum: eles precisavam de mais membros. Nós somos scammers don39t necessidade de novos membros. Eles REALMENTE pedir-lhe para não participar. A-1 Investimento (a-1investimento) AbaloneInvestimentos (abaloneinvestments) AbbyGold (abbygold) ABCinvest (abbinvest. biz) ABHYIP (abhyip) ACAFund (acafund) Accenture Gold Club (accenture-clube) AccordFinance (accordfinance) Acdinvest) Ace Investment (aceinvestment. biz) ac hyip (achyip) ACI Compounding Club (aci-club) Activassets (activassets) Active Spender (activespender) Actixe Investment Club (actixe. net) Investimento real (ActualInvest) Adaptive HYIP (adaptável) Adler Capital (adlercapital. biz) AdminHYIP (adminhyip) ADO Financeiro (adofinance) Adulto-HYIP (adulto-hyip) Programa Avançado de Ouro (advancedgoldprograms. org) Investimentos avançados (a-investimentos) AdvHYIP (advhyip) Fundo Africano (african-fundo) AG Investimentos (aginvestments. biz) Uma boa notícia (a-boa-notícia) Um punhado de dólares (ahandfulofdollars) Investimentos AHM (Alinhamento) Ahyip (ahyip) Aimerald Negociação (aimeraldtrading) AKSA Invest (aksainvest) Grupo de Alakai (alakaigroup) Alan Trade Center (alan-comércio) AldonGold (aldangold) Alfa Safe (alfasafe. xs3) ) Alpha-Premium Alpha Premium Alpha Premium Alpine (alpine-ic. biz) Alfa-ouro Alfa-ouro Alfa-ouro Alfa - Alpine Investment Group (alpine-inv-group. net) Alp-Invest (alp-investir) Altyn-invest (altyn-invest) Sempre Ganhe (alwaysearn) AmazingGold (incrível) Ambra-eXchange (ambra-exchange) (Adinv. net) AMERICAN DREAM inv. com. br (AmericanInvestmentFound. tk) Americano-Tesouro (american-treasure. net) AmericanoUnitedTrust (americanunitedtrust) AMGfin (amgfin) AMO Invest (amoinvest. net) Ancient-Ouro (americano-hyip) Anti-ouro) Andy E-Gold (andyegold) ANEXGold (anexo) ANInvest (aninvest) Anita39s HYIP (anitashyip) Antidosinvestment (antidosinvest) Antiniotissa (antiniotissa) AnyHourly (anyhourly) Apex-pay (apex - Appaloosa-Fund Appaloo-fundo Appollo Gold (appollogold) APTGOLD Investimento (aptgold) Arabian Oil Inc (arabianoilinc) Arabian Oil Inc (arabianoilinc. tk) ARB Corp (arbcorp) Arcadia Fundo (arcadiafund. biz) Arco Reality Foundation (arco-realidade) AreState (arestate. host. sk) Argenta Holdings (argentaholdings) Amapá IntelliTrade (arintellitrade) Arte de negócios (artbusiness. org) Art-HYIP (art-hyip) ArtOfHYIP (artofhyip ) Aruba Investimentos (arubainvestments) ASCETICgold (asceticgold) AsiaForexClub (asiaforexclub) Ásia Traders (ast-mundial) Asia Profit Club (asiaprofitclub) Aspen Trading Group (aspen-trading. org) Aspin GOLD (A-investimento) AT-Invest. net (at-invest. net) Atlântico Hyip (atlantichyip) ATOM Finanças (atomfinance) Atomik Ouro Investir (atomik-gold-invest. org) AuMax. biz (aumax. biz) Aurora Holdings (auroraholdings) Australiano Forex (australian-forex. biz) Áustria HYIP (austriahyip) Auto HYIP (autohyip) AutoMotive Fundo (automotivefund. biz) Autosurf Nunca Morra (autosurfneverdie) Avalon Financeiro (avalonfinancial. tripod) Avalon Ouro Investir (avalongoldinvest) Avant-Investimento (antes-investimento) Avlon Invest (avloninvest) AxiForce (axiforce) Axis Global Group (Banco-idéias) Banco-suíço (banco-suíço) Batavia Futuros (bataviagold) BBC Venture (bbcventure) BCH Invest (bbcventure) Banco de idéias (banco-idéias) Best (Melhor) Melhor jogo de ouro (best-gold-game) Melhor BestWoldonline (bestgoldonline) Best HYIP-21 (besthyip-21) Best-Hyip (best-hyip) Melhor Investimento BestInvFund (bestinvestmentbank) Bestinvfund) Melhor lucro para u (bestprofitforu) Melhor lucro (best-profits. net) Bet-bank (bet-bank. net) Betclub (betclub. biz) Aposta de investimento (betinvestment) ) Melhor Dinheiro (melhor dinheiro) Betting4Gold (betting4gold) Betting Master (apostadores) BettingMasters (apostadores) Bevalux Invest (bevalux-invest. biz) BFX-Invest (bfx-invest) Big Capital (bigcapital. net) Lucro em dinheiro (bigcashprofit) Big-Dólar (gohostme) Big Forex (bigforex. net) BigGold. biz (biggold. biz) Grande HYIP (bighyip. net) BIGinvest (biginvest. net) BigOnDating Real Investimento (bigondating) Big Trade Center (bigtradecenter) Binenstock (binenstock) Fundo Bionic (bionicfund) Fundo Bionic (bionicfund / Controller. jpf) BIS (bis. biz) Estrela Negra HYIP (blackstarhyip) Azul Ouro (bluegold. cjb. net) Azul Investimento (blueinvest. net) BMR Finance (bmrfinance) Fundo BMS (bmsfund) BMstock (bmstock) Bo Clube (boclub) Bonafund Aquisições (bonafund) Bonanza-gold (bonanza-gold. org) Bônus Hyip (bonushyip) BonusProfits Invest (boulengerinvest) Brave Investimento (braveinvestment) BrianElite (brianelite) BRideby (noiva) Bright-HYIP (bright-hyip) Brilian (brilian. biz) Broker-hyip BrokersUnion (brokersunion. biz) Broker Trade Service (comércio de corretagem) Broker Trade Service (btradeservice) Bruclin-investir (bruclin-invest) Build2Profits (build2profits) BulletProof HYIP (bulletproofhyip) Negociante de touro (bulltrader. biz) BusGold (busgold) Business-Club (business-club. org. uk) Negócio HYIP (businesshyip) Negócio Investir (www33.brinkster / businessinvest) BusiOpps (busiopps) BVinvest (bvinvest) Cache Ouro (cachegold) Cameo Investimento (cameoinvestments. premium. ws) Investimentos Capris Investimentos (caprisinvestments) Carducci Comércio (carduccitrade) Carros HYIP (carhyip) Investimentos Caribe (investimentos caribeiros) Carnaby Group (capital) Investimentos (capi-invest. org) capitaller. biz (capitaller. biz) (Grupo de carnaby) CarpetHYIP (carpethyip) Carpete Investimento (carpetinvest) Casale Projeto (casaleproject) cash4daily (cash4daily) CASHBUILDER (cashbuild. net) Cash-Factor ) Cash Paradise (cashparadise. org) Dinheiro Surfers (nrg. to/cashsurfers) cash-way (cash-way. net) Casio Gold Club (quaseogoldclub. tk) Cavaliere Invest (cavaliere-investir) Caviar Invest (caviarinvest) cbforex ) CampC PARCERIA INV. (Partnershipinvestors) CCstock (ccstock) Comemoração Dinheiro (celebrationcash) Fundo Central De Investimento (freewebs / cinvfund) Centurion Fundo De Investimento (centurion-investir) Cesky Invest (cesky-investem) CG Financial Ltd (cgfin) Campeão HYIP (championhyip) (Chestergold. tk) Chili Gold (chilegold. tk) Chili Gold (chiligold) Química HYIP (chimistryhyip) ChristmasFund (christmasfund. biz) ChristmasHYIP (christmashyip. us) Fundo CIDA (cidafund. tk) C-invest C-invest. biz) C-Investimento (investimento c) CIO Ex (cioex) Cirity (cirity) Investimentos CityLine (citylineinvest) Investimentos Clássicos (cgp. biz) Gold (classicgold. net) Soluções Limpas (clean-solutions. biz) Limpar HYIP (clearhyip) Limpar-Fase Cleopatra (cleosclub) Cleverhyip (cleverhyip) ClubProsperity (clubprosperity) cnt - (Cnt-finance-group) Coda Emergentes (codaonline. biz) Cofferinvestment (cofferinvestment) CoHYIP (cohyip) ColaGold (colagold) Colony Trust (colonialtrust. net) CometicGold (cometicgold) Compass House Investimentos (Compasshouseinvestments) CompLaunch Financeiro (complaunch) COMSHARES (comshares) Conrad Cash (conradcash) Consultar Lucro (consultar) Cool Hyip (chyip) Coralinvestments (coralinvestments. biz) corallo-diamond (corallo-diamond) Cordegarde Assets (Hits0) Cordos Club (cordosclub) Cosmos-investem (cosmos-investem) Costa Maya Investimentos (costa-maya-investimentos) CountryFund (countryfund. org) CPO Dealers (cpadealers) Craus Club (crausclub) CraxyDay (craxyday) CreateUnion Ltd (createunion) Grupo credível (crediblegroup) Dinheiro de cristal (crystalmoney.4nbu) Empresa de moeda corrente (currencyfirm) Cyberhyip (cyberhyip) Cyc Fundo (cycfund) CyclicHYIP (cyclichyip) Daily daily daily Daily daily daily daily daily daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Day Daily Day Daily Day Day Daily Day Day Daily Day Day Daily day Daily Day Day Day Day Daily Day DayRush - triplo seu dinheiro a cada 4 horas (dayrush) Dia Trading Club (daytradingclub. biz) DayRush - triplo seu dinheiro a cada 4 horas (dayrush) Day Trading Club (daytradingclub. biz) ) DDIXTrustCapital (ddixtrustcapital. org) Dedicated2Hyip (dedicado2hyip) Delta Seta (delta-seta) Delta IG. (Deltaig. net) DexBlue (deta) Dexbelife Dexbelife Dexbelife Dexbelife Dexbelife ( DexBeLIfe (dexbelife) DGC Lucros (dgcprofits) DGP Realty Inc (dgpreft) Dhyip (dhyip) Diamante-4-você (diamante-4-você) Diamond Fund (diamondfund. net) DiamondHYIP (diamondhyip) DICOMPO (dicompo) DigiGold (digigold. Dividend (Dividendo) Dix Investment (Dixinvestment) Doko HYIP (dokohyip) Dole (Dividendos) Dividendos (Dividendos) HYIP (100-130 diário) (dole-hyip. tk) Dólar (dollarsgold. tk) Dólar de ouro (dollarsgold. tk) Dólares de kafe (dollarskafe. tk) Dólar de carteira (dollarwallet. mypiece) Dólar de ouro (golfinho-ouro) Domina Market Dominamarket) Dornstetten Deutsche Kredit (dornstetten. net) Duplo e-gold ( Jogo duplo (doublegame. ipowerhosts) Doublehyip (doublehyip) Duplo Hyip (doublehyip. e-gloryon) Duplo retorno (doublereturn) DragonGold (dragongold. Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dukefinance) DuplicateMoney (duplicatemoney) Duratrade (duratrade) DX-Invest (dx-invest. biz) DX PREPAY (dxprepay) e2 Invest (e2invest) E2 Confiança (e2trust) E999 ( Earn4daily (earn4daily) Time (earningtime. tk) Earth HYIP (earthhyip) EasilyInvest (easyinvest) Traders Oriental Ltd (traders orientais) EastInv (eastinv) Easy Cash (easy-cash. tv) Easy-Hyip ) Easy-Profit (easy-profit. org) Easy-Profit. org (easy-profit. org) EazyFund (eazyfund) EazyFund (eazyfund / home. php) Eazygold (eazygold) e-BlackGold (e-blackgold. biz) EBL EC-Bank (ec-bank. net) Banco de Comércio Eletrônico (EC-Invest) EC-Invest (e-business-invest) (Banco de comércio eletrônico) Fundo de Comércio Eletrônico (fundo de comércio) E-CORP (e-corp. org) e-corpo (e-corpo) E-depósito (e-deposit. biz) Efir. org (efir. org) E-Forex-Gold (e-forex-gold. envy. nu) efoxBridge (efoxbridge) E-Fund (e-fund. us) Gerente de Efund (efundmanager) Egcraze (e-glob) Egold400 (membros E-gold-bank) EgoldBank (egoldbank. info) Egold-Business EgoldCashcow (egoldcashcow) E-GoldClub (e-goldclub. net) E-gold Co-OP (egoldcoop. itgo) Egold-Deal (e-gold-digger) EgoldenProfit (egoldenprofit) Egoldenprofits (egoldenprofits) Egold - (Egold-explorer) e-goldFever (e-goldfever) eGold Finanças (egold-finanças) Egold Flower (egoldflower) e-gold Forex (egold-forex) egoldgames. net HYIP (egoldgames. net/hyip) e-goldHYIP Egoldhyip. biz) e-gold. in (e-gold. in) e-gold Invest Club (egoldinvestclub. tk) e-goldinvest (e-goldinvest. org) E-GoldInvestment (e-goldinvestment) Egold Investor ( / Goldin) Egoldinvestors (egoldinvestors) E-goldmarket (e-goldmarket. net) e-Gold Fundo Mútuo (e-goldmutualfund. net. tc) eGold Planeta (egoldplanet) EGOLD PLUS (egoldplus. biz) Goldprofit) EgoldProfitPlanet (egoldprofitplanet) eGold Ações (egoldshares) E-Gold Traders Club (e-goldtradersclub) E-Gold Traders (e-goldtraders. net) EgoldTrue (egoldtrue) egold Union Ltd egoldventure (egoldventure) eGoldy Egoldy) EGS HYIP (egoldspender) eHYIP (ehyip) e-HYIP investir (e-hyip. info) E-hyip. us (e-hyip. us) EIB-Club (eib-club) EI-group (ei-group. Org) E-IMPEK (e-impek) Einvestclub (einvestclub) eInvestPro (einvestpro) Eire Investimentos (eireinvestments) EIS Venture (eisventure) Ektos (ektos. net) Eletrônica de comércio (e-bot. biz) Electroni (electroni. biz ) Elite Group (elite) Grupo Elite (elite-experts) Elite Group (elite-experts. org) Elite Group (elite-experts. org) (Elite-gold. net) Elite HYIP ( Elite Trading (elite-group. biz) Grupo Elite Trading (elite-tradegroup) e-loto (e-loto. narod. ru) Eltive (Emoneyclub. net) E-dinheiro Forge (emoneyforge) E-Dinheiro Investimentos (e-dinheiro-investimentos) ) EMoney Trading Investidores (investors. emoney-trading) Emvest Fund (emvestfund) Energetic - Capital (energetic-capital) Investimento em Energia (energy-invest. envy. nu) eNet Investimentos (enet-investimentos) EnglishGold (englishgold) Englishservice (englishservice. (E-pips) E-lucro (e-lucro) E-lucro (e-lucro) E-profitInc (E-profitinc) E-Lucro Linha (e-profitline. net) Epsylon Investimentos (investors. epsylon. biz) Equinox Savings Group (equinoxsavingsgroup) Equitas Fundo (geocities / equitasfund) Eros Ventures Erotic Investment (erótico - investment) Erotik Invesment Club (erotik-investment-club) Erste Investment Club (erste-investment. org) e-RTT (e-rtt) E-Secure Investments (e-secureinvestments) E-Stars Investments (e-starsinvest. org) E-stock Club (e-stockclub) Eternal Funds (eternalfunds) Eternal Gold HYIP (hyip. eternalgold. net) Eternal Income (eternalincome. net) E-trade-bank (e-trade-bank) E-Trade Financial (e - tradefinancial. biz) E-Trade Ltd. (etrade-ltd. net) E-Trade Union (e-tradeunion) E-tradez (e-tradez) eTrike Investment Club (etrike) E-Trust Solution (e-trustsolution) EU Golden Resource (eu-resource. org) EUR INVESTMENTS (eur. superihost) Euro-BizNet (euro-biznet) EURO CASH (ec2004) Euro Financial Group (euro-fin-group. org) Euro-Fund (euro-fund. net) Eurofunds inc. (eurofundsinc) Euro-hyip (euro-hyip) EURO-INVEST (euro-investgroup) Euro-Invest Group (euro-investgroup) Euro Investments (Euro-Invest. org) Euromidas Investment Club (euromidas. bz) Euromidas Investment (northernstarinvestment) European Fund (europeanfund. net) European Golden Union (e-g-u) Europe HYIP (europe. mihanblog) Euro Profit Club (europrofitclub) EuroSelection (euroselection. net) EuroStarBank Ltd. (eurostarbank) EURO-USD (euro-usd. net) Euro Yen HYIP (euroyenhyip) Euro Yen Usd (euroyenusd) Everlasting-gold (everlasting-gold) Everlasting Investment (geocities/eiprogram2003) Everybodyinvest (everybodyinvest) Everyday Gold (everydaygold) Every-Day-Growing-HYIP (edg-hyip) Everyday Inv. (everydayinvestment) EVERYDAYTRADES (everydaytrades) EvisionGold (envisiongold) Evo Hyip (evohyip) e-Weekly Plus Deals (e-weeklyplusdeals) E World Investment (eworldinvestment) ExcellentInvest (ExcellentInvest) Exclusive-HYIP (exclusive-hyip) ExclusiveInvest (exclusiveinvest) Exec Invest (execinvest) Executive Bank (exe-bank) Exelon-Finance (exelon-finance) Expand London (expandlondon) eXPerienced Traders (xptraders) ExpertInvest (expertinvest. net) Exp Invest International (expinvest-international) Exponent of fund (ex-fund. biz) Express Fund (express-fund) Express HYIP (expresshyip) Express Investment (expressinvestment) Express-payouts (express-payouts) External Invest (externalinvest) Extra-bank (extra-bank) Extra Earnings (extraearnings. us) Extra-Funds (extra-funds) Extragold Business (extragold. biz) Extra Gold (extragold. net) Extra Golds (extragolds) Extra HYIP (extrahyip) Extra-Traders (extra-traders. tk) Eye Of The Storm (eotstorm) E-yield. org (e-yield. org) Ezegold (ezegold. st) EZeGold. St (ezegold. st) EZ-Gold (ez-gold. net) Ez-Profits (ez-profits. tripod) EzyGold (ezygold) Fabric Investors (fabricinvestors) Factory Dollar (factorydollar. info) Fair Gold Investment (fair-gold) FairPax (fairpax) Fake E-Forex Gold (eforexgold. net) Fake Escrow Site (e-commerce-escrow. biz) Fake Speedyexchange (speedy-exchange) Falco Group (fdifalco. net) Family-Hyip (family-hyip) Fan Gold (fan-gold. net) Fantasia (damn2002/fantasia) FantasticalProfits (fantasticalprofits) FAPIC Investments (fapic. net) Fast4Gold (fast4gold) Faster Profits (faster-profits) Fast Guaranteed HYIP (fastguaranteedhyip) FastHaler (fasthaler) FAST HYIP (fasthyip) Fast Mony (fastmony. net) Fastopay (fastopay) FastPay2U HYIP (fastpay2u. net) Fast-Profits (fast-profits. biz) Fast Returns (fast-returns) FAST SPEND-RESPEND33 (fsr. vze) Fast Tripler (fasttripler) FBM-Invest (fbm-invest) F. C.I. (fastcashinvest) FeeGold (feegold) FE-International (fe-international) feniksfund (feniksfund) FenixGroup (fenixgroup. biz) FEPP Central (feppcentral) FEXA. net (fexa. net) FF-Bank First Bank (ff-bank) F-Gold (f-gold) Fibo Invest Group (fiboinvestgroup) FieldOfGold (fieldofgold) FI FUND (fi-fund) FI-HOLDING (egoldtraders. org/fi-holding) FI-Holding (fi-holding) Fiji Real Estate Company (frec. biz) Fiko-FUND (fiko-fund. net) Final-fund (final-fund) FinalHyip (finalhyip) Final Investment (final-investment) Finam Gold (finamgold) Finam Investment (finaminvestment) Finance-Global (finance-global. net) Finance Secure (financesecure. net) Financeshields (financeshields) Financetrust (financetrust. net) Financial Corp (geocities/financialcorp1) Financial-Exp (financial-exp) Financial HYIP (financialhyip) Financial Investment Lab (financialinvestmentlab. cjb. net) Financial-Work (financial-work) Financial Year 2005 (financialyear. org) FinexInvest (finexinvest) FinExperts (finexperts) FINFOREX (finforex. net) Fin HYIP (finhyip) Finkia CORP (finkia) Finus (finus. net) F-Invest (f-invest. biz) fireplace (fireplace-erika) Firestar Forex (firestarforex. my100megs) Firnoven (finorven) First E-Gold Bank (firstegoldbank) FitGolds (fitgolds) Five Gold (fgold. virtue. nu) Fixed-interest (fixed-interest) Flexi Capital Saver (1fcs) Flush Gold (fushgold. freewebpage. org) Fm-HYIP (fm-hyip) Focus Funds (focus-funds) Focus HYIP (focushyip) Food HYIP (foodhyip) Forecastgold (forecastgold) FOREIGN-FUND (foreign-fund) Foreign Investment Fund (fi-fund) Forex4HYIP (forex4hyip) Forexas (forexas) Forex Bank (forexbank. us) Forex-Dream (forex-dream) Forex Egold (forexegold) Forex Golden Fund (forexgoldenfund. tk) FOREXGOLD (forexgold. i8) Forex Gold Income (forex-gincome) Forex Gold Invest (forex-gold-invest) ForexGP (forexgp) ForexHeat (forexheat) Forexhyip. biz (forexhyip. biz) ForexHYIPFund (forexhyipfund) ForexI (forexi. org) Forex Invest Experts (forexinvestexperts. net) FOREX-invest (forex-invest. biz) Forex invest (forexinvest.4t) Forex Invest Group (forexinvestgroup) Forex Invest Project (forexinvestproject) ForexIp (forexip) ForexKingdom (forexkingdom. net) ForexMasterBank (forexmasterbank) Forex Masters (forexmasters. net) Forex opps (forex-opps) Forex Pay (forexpay) Forex Pips Trading (forexpipstrading) Forex plus (forexplus. net) ForexProfitGroup (forexprofitgroup) Forex Proxy (forexproxy) Forex Share (forexshare) Forexs-Investments (forexs-investments) Forex Team (forexteam. net) Forex Ticket (forexticket) Forex Traders Club (forextradersclub. net) ForeX Traders Group (fxtg. biz) Forex Trades On Line (fxto. gima. bz) Forex TradeUnion (forextradeunion) Forex Trading Company (fx-trading-company. org) Forex-Union (forex-union) ForexZero (forexzero) For Pay (forpay. biz) Fortune 500 Surf (fortune500surf) FORUMBANK (foruminterbank. ru) Fox Investments (fox-investments) France-Finance (france-f) France-Finance (france-finance) Francinvest (francinvest) Fredman39s Invest (asia. groups. yahoo/group/fredmansinvest) French-traders (french-traders) Fresh-HYIP (fresh-hyip) FrontageCapital-Investment (frontagecapital-investment) FR-traders inc (fr-traders) Frxgold Investment Company (frxgold) FS-Invest (fs-invest. fatal. ru) F-Traders (f-traders) Fullhyip (fullhyip) FullProfits (fullprofits) FULLWEBGOLD (fullwebgold) Fund-Forex (fund-forex) FundHYIP (fundhyip) Fundi Forex (fundiforex. org) Fund Manager (fundm) Fund Pool (fundpool. net) Funds Planet (fundsplanet) FundsReactor (fundsreactor) FundsWizard (fundswizard) Fun EGG (funegg. net) FutureHYIP (futurehyip) Future Invest (futureinvest. tk) FX200 (fx200) FX Capital Group (fxcapitalgr) FX Club (fx-club. us) FX-FUND (fx-fund) Fx-Future (fx-future) FX Globe (FXGlobe. net) FX-Gold (fx-gold) FX-HYIP (fx-hyip) Fxicb invest (fxicb) FXinvest (fxinvest. org) FX Investing Group (fxinvestinggroup) Fx Investment (fx-investment) FXinv (fxinv) FXMGold (fxmgold) FXM-Invest (fxm-invest) Fx-Nation (fx-nation) FXOANDA (fxoanda) FX-Profit (fx-profit) FX-Shares (fx-shares) FX Signals (fxsignals. org) FX Trade Corp (fx-tradecorp) FX-Trade (fx-trade. biz) FX Traders Network (fx-traders. biz) FX Trading Compagny (fx-trading-company. net) FXTR shares ( htm) FX Vision Corp. (fx-visioncorp) Fx-vision (fx-vision) Fxwcg (fxwcg) FX Weekly (fxweekly. goldentrust. biz) FX-Wizards (fx-wizards) Fx Wolf (fxwolf) G3Traders (g3traders) Galaxygold (galaxygold. biz) Galeo Investment (galeoinvestment) game3 ( Games Phones (gamesphones. biz) GANTrade (gantrade. biz) Garant-Invest (garant-invest) GateHyip (gatehyip) Gaxter (gaxter) Gbinvestforce (gbinvestforce) GBNC Fund (gbncfund) GCIsurf (gcisurf) GCI Trade Corp. (gci-trade) Geagold (geagold) General-Profit (general-profit) Generation Funds (generationfunds) Genius Hyip (GeniusHyip) GEN. RICHNESS (gr-line) Get35 (get35) Get Money (getmoney. darkgod. net) Get Paid Servic (getpaidservic) Get Rich Solution (getrichsolution) GetUSD (getusd) GetWeeklyProfit (get-wp) Get your gold (get-your-gold. net) Getyourinvest (getyourinvest) GFNetwork (freewebs/gfnetwork) GFNetwork (gfnetwork. net) G-Gold (g-gold) GHYIP (ghyip) GiftHYIP (gifthyip) GIGAHYIP (gigahyip) Giga-West (giga-west) GII (guangdonginternationalinvestment) Git-Hyip (git-hyip) Glacier gold (glaciergold) Global Arbitrage Inc (globalarbitrageinc) Global Business Opportunity Online (ld. net) Global E-Bank (global-e-bank) Global-finance (global-finance. net) Global Financial Trust (global-financial-trust) Global Forex (globalforex. s5) Globalforexinvest (globalforexinvest) Global-Goldcard (global-goldcard) Global Golden Co. (g-g-c. net) Global Golden Corporation (g-g-c. net) Global Golden Trader (g-g-t) Global Golden Union (g-g-u) Global-Gold (global-gold. biz) Global Gold Invest (globalgoldinvest) Global GoldPay (globalgoldpay) Global HYIP (globalhyip) Global Investment Group (global-investmentgroup. biz) Global-Investments (global-investments. biz) Global Investments (global-investments. name) Global Market Team (globalmarketteam) Global-money (global-money. org) Global Online Bank (global-online-bank) Global Profits HYIP (globalprofitshyip) Global Reality Fund (global-fund. org) Global Realty Fund (globalrealtyfund) Global Trade Center (global-trade-center. org) Global Trading Company (global-trading-company) Globes 4 You (globes4you) Globus Fund (globusfund) Gloria-trust (gloria-trust) GloryFund (gloryfund) Glossy HYIP (glossyhyip) Glow Gold (www23.brinkster/glowgold) Glowing Future (glowing-future) GMKB (gmkbfund. org) GO2Biz Team Invest (go2biz-team) GOLD 2005 ( Gold4invest (gold4invest) Gold4Life (gold4life) Gold5x (gold5x) Gold600 (gold600) Gold Absolute (goldabsolute) Gold Antelope (goldantelope) Gold-Asia Investing (gold-asia. envy. nu) Gold Authority (goldauthority. net) GOLDBANK (gold-bank. org) Gold Benefit (goldbenefit) Gold Best Work (goldbestwork) Goldbizinvest (goldbizinvest) Gold Bulls (goldbulls. tk) Gold-Capital (gold-capital) GoldCarbone (goldcarbone. net) GoldCash (goldcash. org) GoldCatch (goldcatch) Gold-Central (gold-central) Gold City Online (101h/goldcityonline) GOLD CLUB INT. (gold-club-international) Gold Club Invest (freewebs/goldci) Gold Coastline (goldcoastline) Gold Coin HYiP (goldcoinhyip) Gold Cool (goodcool. wxs. org) Gold Cow (goldcow. net) Gold Creator (goldcreator. biz) Gold Daily (goldaily) GoldDays (golddays) Gold Doctor (golddoctor. netfirms) Gold Doors (goldcreator/golddoors) Gold Dragon (gold-dragon. biz) Gold Empire (gold-empire) Golden 4 Days (golden4days) Golden Brokers (golden-brokers) Golden Century (golden-century) Golden Choice (golden-choice. net) Golden Corporation (golden-corp) Golden Eagle (goldeneaglehyip) Golden-Empire-Online (golden-empire-online) Golden Fact (goldenfact) Golden Field (golden-field. net) Golden Forex (goldenforex. org) GoldenForex. org (goldenforex. org) Golden Fund (goldenfund. biz) Golden Global Finance (goldenglobalfinance) Golden HYIPER (goldenhyiper) Golden-HYIP (golden-hyip) Golden intincts (goldeninstincts) Golden Invest Corporation (golden-invest-corporation) Golden-Invest (golden-invest) Golden-investment (golden-investment) Golden Investments 2004 ( Golden Investments (goldeninv. org) Golden Life (goldenlife. org) GoldenMaker (goldenmaker) Golden Mine (goldenmine. biz) Goldenmonth (goldenmonth) Golden Nestegg Corp. (golden-nestegg) GOLDEN PAID (goldenpaid) Goldenpartnership (goldenpartnership. biz) Golden Paycheck (goldenpaycheck. tripod) Golden Plan (goldenplan. biz) Golden Power (goldenpower. biz) Golden Profit Trade (goldenprofitrade) GoldenRain (goldenrain-hyip) Golden Reality (goldenreality. org) Golden Rings (goldenrings. net) Golden river 2004 (golden-river-2004) Golden Sky Inc. (golden-sky-inc) Golden Solution (goldensolution. biz) Golden Source (golden-source. net) Golden Sports Club (goldensportsclub) Golden Stairway To Heaven (gsth. game. vg) Golden Star (golden-star. biz) Golden Steps (golden-steps) Golden Time (goldentime. biz) Golden Trade (goldentrade. biz) GoldenTrust (goldentrust. biz) Golden Trust Investment Club (gtic-online) Golden Union (golden-union) GoldenUniverse (goldenuniverse. biz) GoldenVeritas Trust (goldenveritas) Golden Week33 (101h/goldenweek) Golden World Trader (goldenworldtrader) Golden World traders (goldenworldtraders) Golden-xmas (golden-xmax) Golden Year (goldenyear. org) Gold Equilibrium (goldequilibrium) Goldexchange (gold-exchange. us) Gold Experts Group (gold-experts. org) Gold Experts Inc. (goldexperts. org) Gold Factor (gold-factor) Goldfieldhyip (goldfieldhyip) GoldFiesta (goldfiesta) Gold Finance Club (gold-finance-club) Gold Finance Group (goldfinance-group. org) Gold-Finch (goldfinch. biz. ly) Gold-finding (gold-finding) GoldFitt (goldfitt) Gold For All (gold-for-all) Gold Force (goldforce. org) Gold For Everyone (g-f-e. net) Gold Forex (goldforex. org) GoldForex. org (.net) (goldforex. org) Gold Forge (goldforge) Gold For Profit (goldforprofit) Gold Funds (goldfunds. tk) Gold Gains (goldgains) Gold Gamblers (goldgamblers. tk) GOLD GANGSTER (goldgangster) GoldGate (goldgate. org) GoldGrowth (goldgrowth) Gold Heaven (goldheaven. org) Gold Hours (goldhours) Gold HYIP (freewebs/goldhyip) Gold Income Invest (gold-income) Gold Insurance (goldinsurance. org) Gold Interest (gold-interest) Goldinvest2 (goldinvest2) Gold Invest 4U (goldinvest4u) Gold invest club (goldinvestclub) Gold-Invest (gold-invest. biz) Goldin-Vest (goldin-vest. envy. nu) GOLD INVEST GROUP (goldinvestgroup) Gold Invest INC (goldinvestinc) Gold Investors (goldinvestors. official. ws) GoldInvFund (goldinvfund) GoldInv (goldinv) Gold Liza Foundation (goldliza-fund) Gold Loyalty (gold-loyalty) Gold Machine (goldmachine. tk) Gold Magic Club (goldmagicclub) Gold Manager (gold-manager. biz) Gold Match (gold-match) Gold - Merchant ( Gold Merchant (goldmerchant. biz) Gold Mergers Pool (gmpool) Gold Mine 9 (groups. yahoo/group/goldmine9) Goldmine-HYIP (goldmine-hyip. net) Goldness (goldness. net) GOLD OF GOLD (goldofgold. tripod) Gold of Tibet (goldoftibet) Gold Online (gelloter.3h) Gold Payer (goldpayer) Gold-Payment (gold-payment) Gold Pips (goldpips) Gold-Planet Investment (gold-planet. tk) GoldPlazaTrade (goldplazatrade) Goldprofit 20 for 7 days (101h/goldprofit) Gold-Profit (gold-profit. net) Gold Profit (goldprofit. org) Gold Purpose (goldpurpose) Gold purse (goldpurse) Goldrain-HYIP (goldrain-hyip) GoldResident (goldresident) Gold-Response (goldresponse. here. ws) Gold Richness (goldrichness) Gold Safe Securities (goldsafesecurities) Gold Sand (goldsand. biz) Gold Sand. us (goldsand. us) Gold Secure (goldsecure. net) GoldShooting (goldshooting. tk) GoldSix (goldsix. net) Gold Software (hyip. goldsoft. biz) Gold Solution Corp. (gold-solution-corp) Goldspare (goldspare) GoldStable (goldstable) GoldStages (goldstages) Gold-star-gold (gold-star-gold) Gold Station (goldstation. net) GoldStorage (goldstorage. net) Gold Storage (gold-storage-int) Gold Storage International ( Gold Supremacy (goldsupremacy) Gold Swan (gold-swan) GoldSystem (goldsystem. org) Goldtactics (goldtactics/hyip) Goldtelkom (goldtelkom) Gold-Timer (gold-timer) Gold Trade Hall (goldtradehall) Gold Trading Bank (goldtradingbank) Gold Vault (goldvault. org) Gold venture club (goldventureclub) Gold-Vest (gold-vest) Goldwaygroup (goldwaygroup) GoldWireInvestments (goldwireinvestments) Gold Wizard (goldwizard.5kq) Gold Work (nrg. to/goldwork) Goldxtrader (goldxtrader) GoldYear (goldyear. org) Goldy Hyip (goldyhyip) Gold Yield (goldyield. org) GOM Invest (gominvest) GoodFunds. net (goodfunds. net) GoodHyip. biz (good-hyip. biz) GoodLife Enterprises (goodlifeenterprises) Good Profit for You (gpfy) GP-FUND (gp-fund. oxso. net) GPN Investments (globepaynetwork) Gptpay (gptpay) GrabDream (grabdream) Grand Estate Club Inc. (grand-estate-club) Grand HYIP (granhyip) Grand Investment Club (giclub. biz) GreataHyip (greatahyip) Great HYIP (greathyip. biz) Greatprofit (gprofit. net) Green Forex (greenforex. net) Green Investment (greeninvestment. net) GreenLand Investment (GreenLandInvestment) Green Point Club (greenpointclub. net) GregHYIP (greghyip) Gregory and Wilson (gregoryandwillson) Gregory Williams (gwic. biz) Grip Invest (grip-invest. net) GR-Line (gr-line) Group-Directfinance4 (group-directfinance4) Groupmegafunds (groupmegafunds) GrowingTrader (growingtrader) GSO Corp (gsocorp. org) GT-Commerce (gt-commerce) GUTA Gold (gutagold) GYP-Invest (gyp-invest) HAHYIP (hahyip) Hair Invest (hairinvest) Hammer Fund (hammerfund) HaoWj (haowj) Happy Gold (happy-gold. net) Happy Investor (webnow/happyinvestor) Haroost (haroost) HAWAII-profit-club (hawaii-profit-club) HampB Investment (hbinvestment) HBR Invest (hbrinvestment) HBSC Investments (hbscinvestments) Heavy Forex (heavyforex) HEconomics Online (heconomics) HedgeSyn (hedgesyn) Heliodromia HYIP (heliodromia) Hempaud (hempaud) Hemus Invest (hemusinvest) Herald Funds LLC (heraldfunds) H-Gold (h-gold. org) Higher Percent (higherpercent) HIGHINCOME F. (highincome-fund) High Income Fund (highincome-fund) High Profit Club (high-profit-club) High-Profit (high-profit. tk) HighProfit Team (highprofitteam) High-Standarts (high-standards) High Tech Dream (hightechdream. net) Hight Profit Club (alive. alivedns) High Yielders Club (highyieldersclub.10kb. de) High Yield Investment Program (high-yield-investment-program. net) Hi Gold (higold. tk) HINF (hinf. biz) H-invest (h-invest) History HYIP (history-hyip) Hobarts Hyip (hobartsltd) Holland Invest (hollandinvest) Holmes Hyip (holmeshyip) HonestHyip (honesthyip) Honesty Egold Ins (groups. yahoo/group/HonestyEgoldIns) Hooot Speed (hooot-speed) Hopax Corp. (hopaxcorp. biz) HopeHYIP (hopehyip) Host HYIP Group (host-hyip) Hotexhibition HYIP (hotexhibition) Hot Gold (hot-gold) hothyip. net (hothyip. net) HOT Investments (hotinvestments. org) Hot Profit (hotprofit. org) Hotreturns (hotreturns) Hot Topic ( Hourly Forex Gold (hourly-fx-gold. biz) Hourly Forex (hourlyforex) HourlyGain (hourlygain) Hourly Invest (hourlyinvest) HourlyPayouts (hourlypayouts) Hourly Profits (hourly-profits) Hourly Return (hourlyreturn) Hours-Profit (hours-profit) HPC-Invest (hpc-invest) HPF-Club (hpf-club) HPI Club (hpinvestclub) HPIF (hpif. tk) HP-Invest (hp-invest. net) HPinvestor(hpinvestor) H-point (h-point) Hprofit (hprofit) HWD Financial (hwdfinancial) HYEx Investments (hyexinvest) HYI 10 A Week (highyieldinvestments. netfirms) HYIP1001 (hyip1001) HYIP2005 (hyip2005) Hyip2006 ( HYIP24 (hyip24) HYIP2Rich (hyip2rich) HYIP4ever (hyip4ever) HYIParadise (hyiparadise) HYIP arena (hyiparena) HYIP BANK (hyipbank) HyipBay (hyipbay) HYIPBless (hyipbless) HYIP Blocks (hyipblocks) HyipBoss (hyipboss) HYIP Brokers (hyipbrokers) HYIP. cc (hyip. cc) HYIP Cluster (hyip-cluster) HYIP Corporation (hyipcorp) HyipCraft (hyipcraft. org) HYIP cycler (hyipcycler) Hyip Empire (hyipempire) HYIPER (hyiper. biz) HYIP-esay (easy) (hyip-esay) HYIP-Everyday (hyip-everyday) HYIP-Evolution (hyip-evolution) HYIP Finance (hyipfinance) HYIP Forex Fund Trading (hfft. net) HYIP For Life (hyipforlife) HYIP for YOU (hyipforyou) HYIPFox (hyipfox) HYIP-Fund (hyip-fund. net) HYIPGame (hyipgame. net) Hyip Gold (hyipgold. org) HYIP Group (hyip-group) HYIPhoenix (hyiphoenix) HYIP. biz (hyip. biz) Hyip-Hyip (hyip-hyip. net) HYIP Income (hyip-income) HYIPING (hyiping) HyipKings (hyipkings) HYIP Lovers (hyiplovers) Hyipmaker (hyipmaker) HYIP margins (hyipmargins) HyipMine (hyipmine) HYIP Miracles (hyipmiracles) HYIP Monster (hyipmonster) HyipMultiply (hyipmultiply) HYIPNess (hyipness) HYIP oasis (hyipoasis) HYIP-obsession (hyip-obsession) HYIP of trust (hyipoftrust) HYIPointer (hyipointer) H. Y.I. (highyieldinvestmentprogram. org) HYIPPay (hyippay) HYIP Perform (hyipperform) HyipPoint (hyippoint) HYIP Profit (hyipprofit. net) Hyip Program (hyip-program) HYIP Pro (hyippro) Hyippy (hyippy. net) HYIPReference (hyipreference) HYIProfits (hyiprofits) HYIPROS (hyipros) Hyiprush (hyiprush) Hyip-sensation (hyip-sensation) hyipsky (hyipsky) HYIP-Solution (hyip-solution. tk) Hyipspark (hyipspark) HYIPStar (hyipstar. biz) HyipStock (hyipstock) HYIPs. us Inv program (hyips. us) HYIPthatPays (hyipthatpays) HYIP-times (hyip-times) Hyiptoo (hyiptoo) HYIP Treasure (hyiptreasure) HYIP Trust (hyiptrust) HYIP-Trustinvest (hyip-trustinvest) HyipVIP (hyipvip) Hyip Wars (hyipwars) Hyip Winner (hyipwinner) Hyip X (hyip-x) HYProfits (hyprofits) HYST Investments (hystinvestments) iacoinvest (iacoinvest. tk) IccForex Ltd (iccforex) iDann (idann. org) IDC Invest (idcinvest. net) Idealinvest (idealinvest. net) IDTrades (idtrades) If You want (ifyouwant. biz) IMOFIN (imofin) Impel Fund (impelfund) ImperialHYIP (imperialhyip) IMPETUS INVEST. (impetusinvestments) Impex Investments Corp. (impexinvest) Improtex-Traders (improtex-traders) Income Arena (incomearena) Income-bank (income-bank) Income-central (income-central) Income Generation Club (income-generation-club) Incomeline (incomeline. net) Income Star Alliance (incomestar) Income Star (income-star) IncomeUnion (incomeunion) increase-your-gold (increase-your-gold) Independent Brokers (independentbrokers. biz) Index-Fund (index-fund. biz) Index Trade Group (indextradegroup) Indianagold (indianagold) INDOGOLD (indogold. net) Industrial Profit (industrial-profit) Industry-Gold (industry-gold) INFEXE (infexe) Infinex-Fund (infinex-fund) InfinityOnline InvestorsGroup (infinity-oig) Ingenious Packages (ingeniouspackages) Innovative Trades (innovativetrades) InProfit (inprofit. biz) Inside FX (insidefx) Inspired by HYIP (inspiredbyhyip) InstaBank Ltd. (instabank. net) InstantHyip (instanthyip) Instant Pay (instantpay. biz) Instant Profit (instant-profit) Intact-Fund (intactfund) Integrated Money Exchange (goldcreator/imonex444) Intellekt-Kapital (intellekt-kapital. de) Intelligent-gold-fund (intelligent-gold-fund) Intelligent Invest (intelligentinvest) Intellix (fr. intellix. us:4004) Interactive Gold (interactive-gold) Intercat (intercat. biz) Inter-Fund (inter-fund) International Bank (international-bank. net) International Golden Club (intgclub) International Investment-Institution (ii-i. org) Internet Goldmine (internetgoldmine. co. nr) Internet-Income (internet-income. tv) Int-Fund (int-fund) Int. Investment-Institution (ii-i. org) InvCa (invca. org) Invest2Double (invest2double) Invest2Trade (invest2trade) invest4more (invest4more) INVEST CENTER (investcenter. net) Invest-club (invest-club. biz) Invest Compagny (investco. fateback) Invest Echoz (invest. echoz) Invest E-Gold (investe-gold) Invest-Express (in-express) Invest-for-Long (invest-for-long) InvestForYouFund (investforyoufund) InvestG (investg) Invest In Best (invest-in-best) Invest in building (investinbuilding) Invest-Latvia (invest-latvia) InvestLT (investlt. net) Invest Mage (investmage) INVESTMENT4GOLD (investment4gold) Investment bank of America (i-b-a. us) Investment Credit (investmentcredit. biz) Investment Heaven (investmentheaven. biz) Investment Manager (investment-manager. biz) Investment-Program (investment-program) Investment-unlimited (investment-unlimited) InvestMetal (investmetal. alqird. net) Invest-n-earn (invest-n-earn) Investor Club 15 (egifts. isthe1/ic15) Investordream (angeltowns/members/kaizeris) Investor-Dream (investor-dream) Investor-Groups (investor-groups) Investoria (investoria. biz) Investors Alliance (investorsalliance. org) Investors Dream HYIP (idhyip) Investors Dream (idhyip) Investors DreamLand (idland. biz) Investors Realms (investorsrealms) Invest Planet (invest-planet) Invest Prime (investprime) Invest-Profits (invest-profits) InvestsFund Company (investsfund) INVEST-SPEND (investspend. envy. nu) Invests-service (invests-service) Invest Studio (investudio) Invest Surf (investsurf) InvestToday. net (investtoday. net) Invest-Today (investtoday. visit. ws) Invest With Gold (investwithgold. biz) Invex Group (invex. biz) Invex Ltd. (invex. org) Invincible Trader (invincibletrader) InvOpps (invopps) Inv-Ticket (inv-ticket) INV-TRUST (inv-trust) iPrior (iprior) IREX finance (irexfinance) Iron Invest (ironinvest) Irvin Oil Company (irvinoil) IS Investment (is-investment) IT4Gold (it4gold) IT-BANKS (it-banks) It-Finance (it-finance. net) IT-Fund (it-fund. net) IT HYIP (it-hyip) It pays to invest (itpaystoinvest) Jacobson Ltd. (elwit) Jaguar Gold (jaguar-gold) JesterGold (jestergold. biz) J. Lo Trading Corp. (jlotrader) jm-cashclub (jm-cashclub) JMP-Investment (jmp-investment) John Club (johnclub) John-Hyiper (john-hyiper) Johnson39s HYIP (johnsonhyip) JoinHyip (joinhyip) JointVenture4Future (jointventure4future) JordanTrust (jordan-trust) Jovial Returns (jovialreturns) jss capital invest (jss-capitalinvest) JT-Fund (jt-fund) Junovis Investment (junovis) JustBux (justbux) K2Gold (k2gold) Kalahari Gold (kalaharigold. nexuswebs. net) Kenaro Gold Inv (kenarogold. biz) KFS Investments (kfs-investments) KGSFund (kgsfund) KHYIP (khyip) KiberInvest (kiberinvest) killerdesignziplip (mailto:killerdesignziplip) Kimco Realty (kimco-realty. biz) Kimerian Gold (kimeriangold) KingBanks (kingbanks) King HYIP (kinghyip) KinglyHyip (kinglyhyip) King of dragon (kingofdragon) King of Gold (kingofgold. net) King Of HYIP (kingofhyip) King Size Profit (kingsizeprofit) Koan Profit (koanprofit) Korea Exchangers High Yield (koreaexchangers) Korea Exchangers (koreaexchangers) KPP-Invest (kpp-invest) KSM-Invest (ksm-invest) KwikZ (kwikz) KY - Investments (kirchhof. home. insightbb) Lamp-Invest (lamp-invest) Last Hyip (LastHyip) Latino FX Club (latino-fxclub) Leemard Fund (leemardfund) Lend2Earn (lend2earn) LetVest (letvest) Leverage Investing (leverageinvesting) LEXI Investment (lexi-investment. org) LH Fund (lh-fund) LiaGold (liagold) Liberty-Fund (freewebs/liberty-fund) Liberty gold corporation (lgoldcorp) Life Time Fund (lifetimefund) Lifetime-Profit (lifetime-profit) LIM Invest (liminvest) Line of gold (lineofgold) LINKRETAIL (linkretail) Linstar Fund (linstarfund) Lion Forex (lionforex. org) Lion Invest (lioninvest) Lithium Traders Group (lithiumgroup) Little Funds (littlefunds) Live Invests Co (liveinvests) LKM Invest (lkminvest) Long-invest (long-invest) Long Life HYIP (llhyip) Long Term Egold (longtermegold) Lottery Hyip (lotteryhyip) lovehyip (lovehyip) Lowhyip (lowhyip) Loyal HYIP (loyal-hyip) Loyal Invest (loyal-invest) LTF Money (ltfmoney) LT Invest (ltinvest) Lt-Investment (lt-investment. net) LuxHYIP (luxhyip) Lux Investment (luxinvestment) LV-gold (lv-gold) Mac Investment Trust (mactrust) Mad HYIP (madhyip) MaestroGOLD (maestrogold) MAGIC DOUBLE UP (magicdoubleup) Magic-HYIP (magic-hyip) MAGIC MONEY MATRIX (magicmoneymatrix) Magnet Ad Invest (magnet-invest) Make-gold (make-gold. net) Make Profit With Us (makeprofitwith. us) MakeRich. ca ( MakeRich. ca (MakeRich. ca) Make Your Investment (makeyourinvestment) MakroHYIP (makrohyip) Maloka Ltd. (maloka. net) MaMa Gold (mamagold. envy. nu) Managed Gold (managedgold) Managed Pool (managed-pools) manager HYIP (managerhyip) ManyGold (manygold) Marag Invest (maraginvest) Marcus Point (marcuspoint) MarexPay (marexpay) Market Factory Yard (market-factory-yard) Marketing Spear (marketing-spear) Master 820 (master820) Master Affiliates HYIP (master-affiliates) Master HYIP (master-hyip) Master Inv. (masterinv) Master of Profits (masterofprofits) Max Bank (max-bank) Max-Gold (max-gold. net) MAX-HYIP (max-hyip) Maxima Trust (maximatrust) MaximeTraders (maximetraders) Maxim Investment (maxim-investment) Maximum HYIP (maximumhyip) Maximum to gold (max-to-gold) Max-investment (max-investment) MaxInvest. org (maxinvest. org) Maxi-Trade (maxi-trade) Maxxel investment (maxxell. netfirms) MaxxGold4all (maxxgold4all) McDonalds-Fund (mcdonalds-funds. us) MC DONALDS FUNDS (mcdonalds-funds. us) McGraw Internet (mcgrawinternet) MC GRAW (mcgrawinternet) Mc Trade (mc-trade. net) MD Forex (mdforex) Medco investment (medcoinvestment) Mega Corporation (mega-corporation) MEGA Forex Group (megaforexgroup. net) Mega HYIP (megahyip) Mega-Invest (mega-invest) MegaProfit (megaprofit. biz) Member HYIP (memberhyip) MemoInvest Ltd (memoinvest) MentInvest (ment-invest. biz) MERfund (merfund) Meriland Hyip (merilandhyip) Metal Invest (met Posted by: get May 2 2006, 10:24 AM list is longer than MMG page. my man, soccer, will finish after this short break Posted by: soccer May 2 2006, 10:25 AM Metal Invest (metal-invest) Metal Prof (metalprof) Metal Traders INC (metaltraders. net) METALTRADERS (metaltraders. net) Meta Traders (meta-traders. org) MGC Financial Group (mgc-fin-group) MI-Bank (mi-bank. cjb. net) Micro Finance International (micro-finance-international) MicroStock (microstock. net) MicroStock (microstock. us) Midas-Earnings (midas-earnings) Midas Project (midasproject) Midcap-Fund (midcap-fund. official. ws) Mightygold (mightygold) Million4U (million4u. net) Mind-HYIP (mind-hyip) Mineral Investments (mineralinvestments) Minimum Risk (minimumrisk.4t) Miracle HYIP (miraclehyip) MiraMax Gold (webnow/miramaxgold) Mirazon Investment (mirazon-investment) Miro Fin (mirofin) Mission HYIP (mission-hyip) MLS finance (mlsfinance) MM-Bank (mm-bank) Modern HYIP (modernhyip) MoGold (mogold. net) Monaco 1929 Fund (monaco1929fund) Monaco Fund (monacofund) Monetech (monetech. net) Money2Retire (money2retire. net) Money At Work (matwork. org) Money Developers (moneydevelopers) Money Express (moneyexp. org) Money-GoldExchange (money-goldexchange) Money Heaps (moneyheaps) Money Maker Machine (mmmhyip) Money Maker (moneymaker. MoneyMakers (moneymakers. se) Money Making HYIP (mmaking) Money Managers Trust (moneymanagerstrust) Money-Online (moneyonline. chip. ms) Money-Peak (moneypeak. biz) Money-Spinner (money-spinner. biz) Money-Trust. net (money-trust. net) Moneyturbo Investment (moneyturbo) Money Works Here (moneyworkshere) Monster Profit (www24.brinkster/monsterpf) Monte Christo39s Gold (groups. yahoo/group/montechristo12000) Montly return (monthlyreturn) Moon HYIP (moonhyip) Moor Bros (moorbros) Morganforex (morganforex) Morris Investment (morrisinvestment) Mosef Pay (mosefpay) Mozanbique Invest (mozanbiqueinvest) M. P.Financial (mpfinancial. org) MR Billion (mrbillion. info) MSI Finance (msifinance) M. T.H. Traders (mthtraders) MTHyip (mthyip) Multi Bonus 1 x 24 (multibonus. true. ws) Multi Gold (multigold. net) Multi HYIP (multihyip) M. U.T. H.I. (muthi. org) Mutual Credit Venture (mcventure. org) Mutual Gold International (mutual-gold-int) Mutual Investments (mutualinvestments. net) MyBrokers (mybrokers. biz) my-Fund (my-fund) My-Pids (my-pids) My Profit Partner (myprofitpartner) Naked Wealth (nakedwealth) Nasdaq HYIP (nasdaqhyip) Nasdaq-Trade br (sr. goldhost. us/suspended. page) Nasdaq Traidings (nasdaqtraidings) Nationalfunds (nationalfunds. net) Nativ Interest (nativinterest) Natural Profit (naturalprofit. net) NBfund (nbfund) NBT Solutions (nbtsolutions) NDCAP Investment Club (ndcap) NDCAP (New Disc Capital) Investment Club (ndcap) NeilCo Fund (neilco-fund) Net bank Investments (nt-bank) Net Bucks Ltd (i-buck) NetCashInc (netcashinc) NetFX (netfxnetwork) NetHYIP (nethyip) Net-profit (net-profit. org) NetYield (netyield. org) Newcitigroup (newcitigroup) NewDOXOD Project (newdoxod) New Gold Generation (new-gold-generation) NewHYIP2006 (newhyip2006) New Investors Club (newinvestorsclub) New World Invest (newworldinvest) New Year Gold (newyeargold) Nex Invest (nexinvest) Next Income (nextincome. net) Next Step (nt-step) Niagara Fund (niagarafund) Niagara invest (niagara-invest. official. ws) Ninja Turtle HYIP (ninjaturtlehyip) Nitro Power (damn2002/nitropower) NixGold (nixgold) Noble Invest (nobleinvest. biz) Nock Fund (nockfund) NoLimitsProfit (nolimitsprofit) No More Zero Dollars (nomore. zerodollars) NORA Experts Group (nora-experts) Nord Inv. (nordinv) Noria Forex (noria-forex) Northern Investments (northern-investments) Northern Star Investment (northernstarinvestment) Novel Gold (novelgold) NoxiClub (noxi. org) NTI Company (ntihyip) Numa Investments (numa-investments) Number1HYIP (number1hyip) Numisgold (numisgold) NYCForex (nycforex) NYL-group (nyl-group) Nyse Traders (nysetraders. net) OBalance (obalance) OBIgold Investment Inc (obigold) OCBT Investment (ocbt-investment) Ocean Investment (oceaninvestment. net) Octavian-holdings (octavian-holdings) Offshore ATM card (arcmedia. au) Offshore Banking Made Easy33 (osagiobank) Offshore Stock (offshorestock. biz) Oil Investment (oil-investment) OlipHYIP (oliphyip) OLTFIS (oltfis) OMEGA INVEST (omegainvest. biz) OneDayDouble (onedaydouble) One Day Program (onedayprogram) OneDayPro (onedaypro) OneGOLDChance (onegoldchance) ONE HYIP (onehyip. tk) ONEinvest (oneinvest. co. uk) OnelineTeam (onelineteam. biz) One Week Surf (oneweeksurf) On-Invest (on-invest) Online Fortune Club (onlinefortuneclub) Online Gold Brokers. biz () (onlinegoldbrokers. biz) Online Gold Trading (online-gold-trading) Online Investment Company (online-investment-company) Only 15 days (only15days) Onti Group (ontigroup. biz) OnTime Hyip (ontime-hyip) Opps Club (opps-club) Optima Invest (optimainvest. net) Optimal Line Investments (ol-invest) Optimal Profit (optimal-profit) Options Eleven (options11) Orange Funds (orange-funds) Orbit-fund (orbit-fund) Orchidgold (orchidgold) Oriental Investors (orientalinvestors) Orient Malls Investments (orientmalls) Oris Bank (orisbank) Orvin Funds (orvin-funds) Our Golden Club (ourgoldenclub) Our-HYIP (our-hyip) Overtrue Investments HYIP (overtrueinvestments. us) Ox Win (oxwin) Oxygen-Invest (oxygen-invest) Oxy Profits (oxy-profits) Pacifica Gold Fund (pacificagoldfund) Pacific Investment Club (piclub. net) Pacific Profit Club (pacificprofit-club. org) Paid-Network (paid-network) Palm Electronic Ltd (electroni. biz) PanamaHyip (panamahyip) Pass Gold (passgold) Paxmix Inc (paxmix) PayDay365 (PayDay365.50megs) Payday HYIP (paydayhyip) Pay For Hours (payforhours) Pay HYIP (payhyip. net) Paying Club (paying. cjb. net) Payment-escrow (payment-escrow) Payment to EG (paymenttoeg) Paypal Finance (paypal-finance) PayRater (payrater) PDI Service (pdiservice) PeakHYIP (peakhyip) PegInvest (peginvest) Percentaday (percentaday) Percentage Profit (percentageprofit) Perfect Investments (perfectinvestments. org) Perfect Reseller (perfectreseller) Perl Investment Group Inc. (perl-inv-group) Permacore Ltd. (permacore. net) Perpetual Gold (scorpius. spaceports/ sapeque) PFGFOREX (pfgforex. org) PG-Club (pg-club. biz) Phenixinvestment (phenixinvestment) P. H.L. P. (payinghyips) Phoenix Dragon (phoenixdragonhyip. netfirms) Phoenix HYIP (phoenixhyip) Phoenix Trade (phoenix-trade. net) PIC (private-investments-club) PI Group (pigrouponline) Pink Panther HYIP (pinkpantherhyip) Platinium Bank (platiniumbank) Platinium HYIP (platiniumhyip) pleasinghyip (pleasinghyip. biz) PlusHYIP (plushyip) Po Invest (poinvest) Polexfund (polexfund) Ponzi HYIP (ponzihyip) Ponzi Paradise (ponziparadise) Pool Invest (poolinvest) POOLOFHYIPS (poolofhyips. net) Popular Gold (populargold) Positive Fund (positivefund) Positive HYIP (positivehyip) Potter investment (potterinvestment) Power Gold (power-gold. net) Power HYIP (powerhyip. net) Power of Gold (powerofgold) Precise Profits (preciseprofits) Premier-Hyip (premier-hyip) Premier Trade Center (premiertrade-center. org) Premium Gold (premiumgold. net) Premium Inv. Group (premiuminvgroup) Premium Returns (premium-returns) PrescottInvestment (prescottinvestment) Present Brokers (presentbrokers) Present Gold (presentgold) President Of Gold (presidentofgold) Prezident investments (prezident-investments) Primagold (primagold. bravehost) Prime Fund (prime-fund) Prime Plus (primeplus. ws) Prince Investor (princeinvestor) Priority-Invest (priority-invest) PRIVATE - BETCLUB (BetClub. biz) PRIVATE FINANCE (pfunion) Private Finance Union (pfunion) Private Forex Club (privateforex) Private-Forex-Portal (private-forex-portal) Private Gold Bank (privategoldbank) Private Gold ( Private Income (private-income) Private-Investments (private-investments. net) PrivateLoanClub (privateloanclub) Private Profit Club (privateprofitclub. org) Private Profit (private-profit) PrivatFund (privatfund) PrizeHyip (prizehyip) Pro1-money (pro1-money) Proegold (proegold) Professional Finance Ltd (professional-finance-ldt) Professional HYIP (professionalhyip) Professional Investments (professional-investments. net) Professional Invest Plan (professionalinvestplan) Professional Traders Group (professionaltradersgroup. biz) ProfGlobe (profglobe) Profit4more (profit4more) Profitable-Club (profitable-club) Profitable Deposits (prof-depo) Profitable Land (profitableland. net) Profit-Academy (profit-academy) Profit Ads (profit-ads. net) ProfitBuster (profitbuster) ProfitbyGold (profitbygold) Profit Certificates (profitcertificates) Profit Club (profit-club. biz) Profit Cycling (profitcycling) ProfitDays (profitdays. net) Profit Engine (profit-engine) Profiters (profiters. net) Profit Financial Group (pfgroup. biz) Profit For All (profit4all. org) profit-gold. biz (profit-gold. biz) ProfitInvest INC (profitinvest. biz) Profit Invest. org (profitinvest. org) Profit Momentus (profitmomentus) Profit Offshore (profitoffshore) ProfitOptimization Trading ( Profit Planet (profitplanet. biz) Profitraders (profitraders) Profit Raiser (profitraiser) profits24 (profits24) Profits2Success (profits2success) Profit-sharing (profit-sharing. net) Profits Manager (profitsmanager) ProfitsWeekly (profitsweekly) Profit Zone (freewebs/profit-zone) ProfSteel Investments (profsteel) Profy (profy. biz) ProGold (progold. biz) ProHYIP (prohyip. net) Pro-Investment (pro-investment) Pro-investments (freewebs/pro-investments) Proinvests (proinvests) ProInv-Fund (proinv-fund) Project 1200 (project-1200) Project 130 (project130) Project OpenStock (openstock. us) Proper Fund Investment (properfund) Pro Profits (pro-profits) Prospect Gold Investment (prospect-gold) PROSPECT GOLD (prospect-gold) Pro Stock Ink (prostockink) Public Hyip (publichyip) pyramidhyip (pyramidhyip) QHyip (qhyip) QQFund4u (qqfund4u) QualityMillions (qualitymillions) Quantus (quantus. biz) Queen HYIP (queen-hyip) Quick Bonds (quickinvestments) Quickearns (quickearns) Quick Paid (quickpaid. tk) QuickProfitHyip (quickprofithyip) Quidsinvest (quidsinvest) Quixotic FX (quixotic-fx) Racers Hyip (racershyip) Racing4money (racing4money) Raising Finance (raisingfin) Ranier Financial Groups (ranierfinancialgroups. net) Rate4Gold (101h/rate4gold) RawGold (rawgold) RCP-Invest (rcp-invest) Real4Xtaders (real4xtraders) Real Broker (realbroker. xs3) Real Estate Hyip Inc. (realestatehyip) Real-Funds (real-funds) RealHyip (realhyip) Realinvest-HYIp (realinvest-hyip) Real Investments (real-investments. org) Reality Gold (realitygold) Real Stock (realstock. net) Real Trade Invest (realtradeinv) Real-Trade (real-trade) Real Trader HYIP (realtraderhyip) Real-Trader (real-trader. net) Real Traders Fund (realtradersfund) Real Trading (realtrading. org) Reasonable Finance Group (rfin-group) recto-t (recto-t) RedInvestment (redinvestment) RED-surf (red-surf) Ref Gold (ref-gold) Regina-X (regina-x) Re-Gold (re-gold. net) Relentless Profits (relentlessprofits) Reliable Gold - a gold game (home. ripway/2004-4/99759) ReliableProfit (reliableprofit) Rem Stock (remstock) Renascence-Capital (renascence-capital) Renovatiohyip (renovatiohyip) Reo Invest (reo-invest) Retro Investment (retroinvestment. atspace) RGBN Invest (rgbninvest) RGS Invest (rgsinvest) Richman-club (richman-club) Ride my HYIP (ridemyhyip) Right Wing HYIP (rightwinghyip) RipeFund Inc. (ripefund) RISA Investment (risainvestments) RM-Private (rm-private) RoboInvest (roboinvest) Rock Solid Fund (rocksolidfund) RollFunds (rollfunds) Romeo-Fund (romeo-fund) Ronex Group (ronex. org) ROTEX Investment (rotexinvest) Round Trip Investments (roundtripinvestments) RoyaLEXUS (royalexus) Royal-Funds (royal-funds) Royal HYIP (royalhyip) Royal Invest (royalinvest. tk) RampP Investments (rp-investments) Ruby Invest Company (rubyinvest) Rue Wemir Group (rw-group. net) RunHyip (runhyip) rutherford-investments (rutherford-investments) Ru Traders (rutraders) Safe HYIP (groups. yahoo/group/safehyip) Safe invest (safeinvest. org) Safely-Invest (safely-invest) Safe Profit (safeprofit. biz) Safe Trade Fund (safe-trade-fund) SafetyGold (safetygold) SafeWay Gold (safewaygold) Salt Spring Island (saltspringisland) Sambrero Gold (sambrerogold) Samsong Digitall (samsong-digitall. biz) Samuel Shipman (samuelshipman) Sas Invest (sasinvest) Satelite Investments (sateliti. net) SATT E-Global (satt-eglobal) Saturn-gold (saturn-gold) SavePrism Club (saveprism) Saveshare (saveshare) saveStock (savestock. net) SBets (sbets) SB-Invest (sb-invest) Schultheiss Offshore Ltd. (schultheissconstruction) Scolide (scolide) Scorpio Funds (scorpio-funds) ScotianFx (scotianfx) Scott Invest (scottinvest) s-doubler (s-doubler) Search-Money (search-money. org) Season Investment (seasoninvestment. tk) Sebi. Biz (sebi. biz) Secret Society (secretsocietyscheme) Secure Fund (secure-fund) Secure HYIP (secure-hyip) Secure-Invest (secure-invest) Secure Reserve (securereserve. biz) Selected HYIP (selectedhyip) Sepo Financial (sepofin) Sequois (sequois) Serious hyip (serioushyip) SETInvest (setinvest) Seven HYIP (sevenhyip) seven island invest (7islandinvest) Several HYIP (severalhyip) SFG Investment Group (sfg-invest) SG-Invest (sg-invest) ShareBank (sharebank. biz) Share Team Concepts (shareteamconcepts) Sheen HYIP (sheenhyip) Sheen Zone (sheenzone) Shell Shipyard Group (ssg-invest) Shery 5pl00g3n355 (s-hyip) Shining-HYIP (shining-hyip) shino-invest (shino-invest) shock-hyip (shock-hyip) ShortInvest (shortinvest) Short-term Investing (short-term-investing) Short-term Loans (short-termloans) Shower of Gold (ofshower. cjb. net) Shylow (shylow. ws) SikInvest (sikinvest) SilurusProfit (silurusprofit) Silvent international (silvent-international) Silver Hyip (silver-hyip) SimpleHYIP (simplehyip) Simple Instant batch Game (instant. ipowerhosts) Simple Interest Program (simpleinterestprogram) Simply Hyip (simplyhyip) SINIAM Ltd (siniam) Sisserou Investments (sisserouinvestments) Six Percent (sixpercent. biz) Sixteen Gold (101h/sixteengold) SKC Investment (skcinvest) SKH Invest (skhinvest. org) SkyGold (skygold. biz) SkyHighFunds (skyhighfunds) SkyHyip (skyhyip. biz) Slow HYIP (slowhyip) Smart Futures (smartfutures. biz) Smart HYIP (smarthyip. net) SmartHYIP (smarthyip. us) Smart Money Invest (sminvest) Smart Movers Alliance (smalliance) SML Invest (smlinvest) SNC Investment Club (snc-investments) Solar G (solar-g) Solarprofits (solarprofits) Solid-future (solid-future) Solid Trust (solidtrust. us) Sonic Gold (sonicgold.50free. net) Sonic Investment ( Sonic Investments Corp. (sonicinvestments) Sontis Invest (sontisinvest) Spacegold (spacegold. mail333) Space Profit (spaceprofit) space-surf (space-surf. net) Special HYIP (SpecialHYIP) Special invest (specialinvest. biz) Speed Income (speed-income) Speedinvest (speedinvest) Spiderm HYIP (spidermhyip) Spiralcash (spiralcash) Sportbook Expert (sportbookexpert) Sporti Info (sporti. info) Sport Investment (sport-investment) Sport Investment (sports-invest) Sports Arbitrage Investor (sportsarbitrageinvestor) Sports Investments (sports-investments. org) Sports Pointer (sportspointer) SportsProfit (sportsprofit. us) sprint million (sprintmillion) Spur Gold (spurgold) SS-investments (ss-investments) STABLE E-BANK (stable-e-bank. biz) stable-e-bank (stable-e-bank. us) Stable Forex Investment (stable-fx-investment. org) StableFund (stablefund) Stable FX Investment (stable-fx-investment. org) StableInvest (stableinvest) Stablepay (stablepay) Stable Profit (stableprofit) Starbizgold (starbizgold. tk) Starfish-HYIP (starfish-hyip) Star-Invest (star-invest. biz) Star Negoce (star-negoce. biz) Star Of 2005 (starof2005) StartSmart investment (startsmart-investment) State Investment (stateinvest) Stats-Group (stats-group) Steady Fund (steadyfund. biz) Steady-Stock corp. (st-st. net) Steel HYIP (steelhyip) Stellar Surf (stellarsurf) Stevens Enterprises (stevenslls) S. T.G - Invest (stg-invest) Stifel amp Stowe (stowecor) STIPGOLD (stipgold) Stockexchange-invest (stockexchange-invest) Stock HYIP (stockhyip) Stock Unit (stock-unit) StorageFund (storagefund) Storm2day (storm2day) Stout-HYIP (stout-hyip) STQ-Invest (stq-invest) Strait Gold Investment (straitgold) Strategy-6 (strategy6hyip) Strategy-Invest (strategy-invest) Strictly Sports Betting (strictlysportsbetting) Strong Gold Finance (geocities/stronggoldfinance) Strong Investors (stronginvestors) STSclub (stsclub) SubGold (subgold) Substantial Gains (substantialgains) Sub zero Hyip ( successful-fund (successful-fund) Sucess14days (sucess14days) Sunami-hyip (sunami-hyip) Sunflower Seed (sunflowerseed. net) Sunflower Seed (sunflowerseed. org) Sun Fund (sunfund. info) SunGoldGroup (sungoldgroup. org) Sun-HYIP (sun-hyip) SUN-INVESTORS (sun-investors) Sunny Group (sunny-group. itgo) SunampPine Group (sun-pine. net) SuperEgold (superegold) Super Golden Star (supergoldenstar) Super-Invest (super-invest) Super Money (supermoney. org) Super Profit - 2100 (super-profit) Supreme Gold (supreme-gold. net) surf4profits (surf4profits) SurfDailySurf (surfdailysurf) S. U.R. O.L. A. Capital (surolacapital. biz) Surprise Gold (surprisegold. vze) Surreal HYIP (surrealhyip) Swift-Money (swift-money) SWINVESTMENTS (freewebs/swinvestments) Swiss Finance Group (swiss-finance-group) Swiss Golden Union (swiss-union) Swiss Gold Savings (swissgoldsavings) Swissgold (swissgold. biz) Swiss Investment Ltd. (swiss-inv) Sym HYIP (symhyip) Sync-Share (sync-share. biz) T1 Investment Group (t1investment) T3-EBank (t3-ebank) Tactical Yield (tacticalyield) TA-hyip (ta-hyip) TalentOfHYIP (talentofhyip) Taltex (taltex. net) Taschko Fund (taschko-fund. biz) TATIJANO-e-TRUST (tatijano-e-trust) TAT Investment (tatinvestment) T. A.Trade (ta-trade) TaxFree Invest (taxfreeinvest. net) TBI Hyip (tbihyip) TDGold (tdgold) TeacInvest (teacinvest) Tech-HYIP (tech-hyip) Tegrex Group (tegrexgroup) Tennis Betting Pool (tennisbettingpool) Teratho Invest (invest. teratho) Tesco-HYIP (tesco-hyip) T-Fund (t-fund. net) T. 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(trust-invest. org) Trust Union (trust-union) Truth Financial (truth-financial) Trypesdy (trypesdy) TsLogic (tslogic) TT-Gold (tt-gold) Tulip-trading (tulip-trading) TullyProfit (tullyprofit. org) TURBOBACK (turboback) TurboHyip (turbohyip) TVfunds International (tvfunds) Twenty Century Gold (tcgold. tk) Two Steps (twosteps. biz) UaTradeStar (uatradestar) Uinvest HYIP (hyip. uinvest. biz) UInvestments (uinvestment) Uinvestment (uinvestment) UKHyip (ukhyip) UK Ventures (uk-ventures) Ultimate Fund (ultimatefund) UltraPay (ultrapay. net) Ultra-Profit (ultra-profit) Ultra Profit (ultraprofit. org) Ultra-Surf (ultra-surf) Ultravex (ultravex) UMG invest (umginvest) Unfailing Mark Investment Club (umic. t35) UniForm-Fund (uniform-fund) Uniord Inv. 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(unitinvest) UnitInvest (unitinvest. net) Unit-Pro (unit-pro) UNItraders (unitraders. org) Uni Trader (uni-trader) UnitTrade (unittrade) Universal HYIP (universal-hyip) Unlimited Funds Earner (ufe-h) UpGain Investments (upgain) UPinvest (upinvest) UPTO-180 (upto-180) Uqaz (uqaz) USA Best Invest (usabestinvest) usd gold trader (usdgoldtrader) USD HYIP (usdhyip) Usergate (usergate. net) UsFirewalls (usfirewalls) US Global Union (us-global-union. us) US-Invest-Bank (us-invest-bank) VaiGold (vaigold) valuehorse (valuehorse) Value HYIP (valuehyip) Vandeusens HYIP (vandeusens) VAOL-Investments (vaol-investments) Vaudus Fund (vaudus) VB-Invest (vb-invest) VecoFX (vecofx. net) Vego Fund (vegofund) Venture-cash (venture-cash) Venture-Fund. net (venture-fund. net) Venture Gold (venture-gold) Venture-Pay (venture-pay) Veria-Finance (veria-finance) Verizon Gold Klondike (gold-klondike) Verticalgold (verticalgold. netfirms) Vexa SA (vexasa) Veztec (veztec) VGD Invest (vgdinvest) VHYIP (vhyip) VIC investment conpany (vichyip) Victorious Team (vteam. net) Vigilent Market Inc (vigilentmarket) Viko-HYIP (viko-hyip) VIP-HYIP (vip-hyip. net) Vip. biz (vip. biz. ly) Virtual Banking Technologies (vbanktec) Virtual Shares (virtualshares) VisGold (visgold) Vision Investment Group (visioninvestmentgroup) Vista HYIP (vista-hyip) Vista Invest (vistainvest. net) Viswas Investment (viswasinvestment) Vital-Invest (vitalinvest. org) Vitamin-invest (vitamin-invest) Volkonsky Irina (volkonskyirina) VPN Investments (vpn-investments) VPT-Investments (vpt-investments) VST Business (vstbusiness) VSTrader (vstrader) Wallet Watch ( wallst-investment (wallst-investment) Wanna Millionaire (wannamillionaire) Warm Future Inc (warmfuture) Watsons Forex (watsonsforex) Way2Heaven (way2heaven. net) Way HYIP (wayhyip) Way to gold (waytogold) Way To Profit (waytoprofit.10kb. de) W. 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These guys are saying they are a scam and you still continue to make deposits. What is wrong with this picture It39s people who allow themselves to be scammed who are keeping the scammers thriving in this industry. Some people just don39t know any better, but looking at your posts it seems like you may have some common sense. Or maybe you don39t. NOBODY on the long list above said they are scams. but they all were scam. QUOTE(honalulu 064 May 2 2006, 105831 AM) snapback2028510/snapback OMG soccer. You only got to the M39s. QUOTE(finix 064 May 2 2006, 105831 AM) snapback2028509/snapback Thank you for the list and making this point so visual. That39s exactly why I joined. Obrigado. There are more 727 in my database that are on hold. not scam yet, but stop paying. all those sites are at MMG. many of them still get new members (victims). BTW this is the only topic at HYIP section that nobody get profit from it by putting the ref link. there is no ref commission333333 if you are in doubt, please stay out. QUOTE(finix 064 May 2 2006, 095800 AM) snapback2027927/snapback All HYIPs are all ponzis. The only question is to what extent Consider this point: do referral commissions make a site more or less of a ponzi This site has no referral commissions. You are right about looking at actions and not at words. My question is then to those who are here calling this site a scam: what did this admin do to be called dishonest Long Live WeAreScammers. even if it will be a scam after all, he almost ask you: do not join. we are scammers33 Posted by: finix May 2 2006, 11:08 AM QUOTE(soccer 064 May 2 2006, 025845 PM) snapback2028545/snapback even if it will be a scam after all, he almost ask you: do not join. we are scammers33 Exactly. WeAreScammers is a HYIP version of the quotliar paradoxquot. Posted by: trailerparkboyshyip - Julian May 2 2006, 11:33 AM QUOTE(soccer 064 May 2 2006, 025822 PM) snapback2028397/snapback This is going to be longer than a meow33 it will be kind of SIMPLE history lesson. this is a list of 2400 PREVIEWS scams that promised to paid you (traders, ponzi, whatever) and never paid more than few days, or weeks) There are many more. not listed here. they all have one thing in common: they needed more members. we are scammers don39t need new members. they REALLY ask you not to join. fund-forex) Notice the phrase/sentence in bold, red giant letters. If that is true, why the hell are you here again if you dont need new members Posted by: soccer May 2 2006, 11:37 AM QUOTE(finix 064 May 2 2006, 115808 AM) snapback2028765/snapback Exactly. WeAreScammers is a HYIP version of the quotliar paradoxquot. There are no paradoxes. Na verdade não. William Wordsworth had once said quotThe Child is the Father of the Manquot. Can explain that. as the child develops into the man, the child, or boy, in a sense, gives quotbirthquot or gives way to the man, and thus is the origin or quotfatherquot or the man. The Pro Scammers want to pay forever to 100039s of members at fast market, prime-fund etc. but this is childish and can39t be done. they feel sorry for all the childs. they wait till few of the childs become men by the act of investing at WeAreScammers. then they can pay them. but then again, after few months of paying the children will come here, and then they have to scam them, because they will be too many. QUOTE(trailerparkboyshyip 045 Julian 064 May 2 2006, 115833 AM) snapback2028928/snapback Notice the phrase/sentence in bold, red giant letters. If that is true, why the hell are you here again if you dont need new members if you asking me. read back. I made a bet with get (my girlfriend) who invested 100 dollars that they will pay her only one year. by that time many childs will join because wearescammers will still be paying. so the admin will have to run with their money. but get believes, they keep for many years because they are quothonest scammersquot. Posted by: trailerparkboyshyip - Julian May 2 2006, 11:50 AM QUOTE(soccer 064 May 2 2006, 035837 PM) snapback2028933/snapback There are no paradoxes. Na verdade não. William Wordsworth had once said quotThe Child is the Father of the Manquot. Can explain that. as the child develops into the man, the child, or boy, in a sense, gives quotbirthquot or gives way to the man, and thus is the origin or quotfatherquot or the man. The Pro Scammers want to pay forever to 100039s of members at fast market, prime-fund etc. but this is childish and can39t be done. they feel sorry for all the childs. they wait till few of the childs become men by the act of investing at WeAreScammers. then they can pay them. but then again, after few months of paying the children will come here, and then they have to scam them, because they will be too many. got it if you asking me. read back. I made a bet with get (my girlfriend) who invested 100 dollars that they will pay her only one year. by that time many childs will join because wearescammers will still be paying. so the admin will have to run with their money. but get believes, they keep for many years because they are quothonest scammersquot. This is a joke right This is a site run by 13 year old kids. Honest and Scam dont go together. It will take over 3 months for your girfriend to make a profit. This site will not be around by then. What a waste of my time. Posted by: marc williams May 2 2006, 11:55 AM has it Scamed yet. Posted by: alexia May 2 2006, 12:03 PM QUOTE(trailerparkboyshyip 045 Julian 064 May 2 2006, 045800 AM) snapback2025791/snapback Thats the stupidest attitude I have ever heard. Oh well, they are funny so throw in some money and forget that they are going to scam you. This site really pi036036es me off. What pi036036es me off more is that people are falling for it. Just for jokes I am going to start a site called donationstomyegoldaccount Thats funny, want to put in 03610 They are admitting they are scammers, and like all scam sites, they pay for the first little while, then they pack up and leave. They pay you so you can trust them and then you put in the big bucks and then you all lose. You dont make much on this site at 1.2 daily, so you need big bucks to make anything worthwhile. Dont say I didnt warn you. This thread should be moved to the Scam section. Gosh. I sooooooo much agree with you333333333333333333333333 This is THE STUPIDEST SITE EVER33 No chance I would ever join it33 I am just smart enough for that. It39s even more humiliating to be scammed by scammers who are telling you straight away that they are scammers. But man have you read their FAQ. What a bull3333333333 Posted by: soccer May 2 2006, 12:09 PM QUOTE(trailerparkboyshyip 045 Julian 064 May 2 2006, 115850 AM) snapback2029024/snapback This is a joke right This is a site run by 13 year old kids. Honest and Scam dont go together. It will take over 3 months for your girfriend to make a profit. This site will not be around by then. What a waste of my time. we will be here to see. if they are 13 year old kids, they are brilliant. has it Scamed yet. ths site can39t scam you. even when they will stop. (if they ever stop). But man have you read their FAQ. re-read them. most people are not well educated aboat scams, including myself. Posted by: finix May 2 2006, 12:31 PM QUOTE(trailerparkboyshyip 045 Julian 064 May 2 2006, 035833 PM) snapback2028928/snapback Notice the phrase/sentence in bold, red giant letters. If that is true, why the hell are you here again if you dont need new members The members of WeAreScammers are here to talk to each other about WeAreScammers. You are here to promote your HYIPs by means of putting down another HYIP. You already expressed your viewpoint about this HYIP, it39s very clear to everyone that you don39t like it. It39s not necessary to say it again. We got the point: Julian doesn39t like WeAreScammers and needs more new members for his HYIPs. QUOTE(alexia 064 May 2 2006, 045803 PM) snapback2029101/snapback But man have you read their FAQ. I read their FAQ. It was funny and educating. QUOTE(marc williams 064 May 2 2006, 035855 PM) snapback2029056/snapback has it Scamed yet. Posted by: trailerparkboyshyip - Julian May 2 2006, 12:55 PM QUOTE(finix 064 May 2 2006, 045831 PM) snapback2029222/snapback The members of WeAreScammers are here to talk to each other about WeAreScammers. You are here to promote your HYIPs by means of putting down another HYIP. You already expressed your viewpoint about this HYIP, it39s very clear to everyone that you don39t like it. It39s not necessary to say it again. We got the point: Julian doesn39t like WeAreScammers and needs more new members for his HYIPs. I read their FAQ. It was funny and educating. No. I am not trolling for new members. I am here to discuss this site in its thread. It seems that my attendance in this thread seems to bother you now, for whatever reason. I am allowed to express my opinion in this thread as long as it is relevant to this site. Acostume-se a ele. By all means, if you want to move this discussion to my thread, we can do that too. And dont take this personally. Posted by: finix May 2 2006, 01:47 PM QUOTE(trailerparkboyshyip 045 Julian 064 May 2 2006, 045855 PM) snapback2029399/snapback I am not trolling for new members. I am here to discuss this site in its thread. It seems that my attendance in this thread seems to bother you now, for whatever reason. I am allowed to express my opinion in this thread as long as it is relevant to this site. Acostume-se a ele. By all means, if you want to move this discussion to my thread, we can do that too. And dont take this personally. You want me to come to your thread or threads to discuss WeAreScammers in violation of this forum39s rules There is a difference between discussing and repeating your viewpoint over and over. There are probably things about your HYIPs that your members like. The members of WeAreScammers like some things about WeAreScammers. There are things that you don39t like about WeAreScammers, it39s understood. But your likes or dislikes don39t make a paying HYIP a scam. If you have proof of something to support your view point, post it, I would like to see it. Until I see proof otherwise, I39m sticking to my opinion. Good things about this site: It has low ROI - will last longer. Only one plan - smaller investors benefits at the same rate as larger investors. No referral commissions - less than usual incentive for hype and fewer amount of money sucked out of the program. It has been paying for 45 days. Their FAQ are educational. It makes me laugh. Posted by: soccer May 3 2006, 12:20 AM About my list. For a few years I made quite a huge some of money with a soccer betting system I developed to invest in the pools. for a few months I tried it also at MMG but attacked by gambling sites with a lot of cash who send paid members to troll my posts here, and stormpay stole the pool money as well when it did it to all of us. so I stopped this activity in public after receiving my warns here. with the budget of over 250K. I had THIS very strange math habbit. Developping a software and a method to make fast deposites/withdrawals and track all I invested in all site in the list the minimum and in more 10039s sites that are still paying. I am in all hyips programs that are present at MMG HYIP section and paid at least one day to others with 100039s different user names and passwords What is the grand total you might wonder Started 3 years ago. and with the budget of over 250K. I now have in my 140 e-gold accounts less than 150K. Easy come, easy go I suppose. The quotgoquot part (100K) really sucks. WHEN 99 OF YOU GUYS DELETE SPAM POSTS ABOUT 63 or 83 profit will spend to your e-gold account every days automatically WITHOUT TRYING THEM, i WAIT ONE DAY TO SEE IF ANYBODY HAVE BEEN PAID AND THEN INVEST THE MINIMUM. Do I believe any of those 10039s admins after this one and only diversification of its kind I am making in the last 3 years Of course not. I am NOT an optimist by nature. in 90 of the cases I know in advance I39ll be scammed because I see all signs many times. but I am not such a big hero. the Pola brothers of GR stole big amount from me 6 months ago because I was fool to believe them. There are surprises. someone really paid me 400 in one week. too bad I risked only 03610, and he was using a subdomain at tripod We are all in the same boat. All in all, life39s good - and I39m pleased to be in the company of likeminded investors who believe they know better what id good and what is bad without the 100039s trials I made. I suspect the scammers will always be scamming and people like us will continue giving them money. I don39t believe money can be made by naive investing in hyips. But I keep on making weekly money in the soccer pools. so don39t worry. I have the money to buy the food and pay the bills. I met someone online who been investing in HYIPs 13 years and survive as an investor. he wrote: quotThe only thing that works for me is hitting them fast, hitting them hard, and get what I can out. Beats the hell outa getting outa bed every day but still a tough way to make a living, and yes I make a living at it. quot Good luck in all your future endeavors Posted by: soccer May 3 2006, 12:50 AM QUOTE(zip 064 May 2 2006, 075853 AM) snapback2027447/snapback False, noob . dishonest is telling you that a site lasts a lifetime when they have no intentions of backing it up. Which in this case will not be revealed till the site actually closes. An honest hyip and honest admin is one who pays and doesnt have fake stats. Not that this site has fake stats but some do. Those are dishonest traits. Honest is someone who has no intentions of scamming people and in the end they walk away telling the clients the truth of why the site has closed. SCa m mers do not. watching my site: rate-hyip you already know that I visit a lot of monitor forums daily. (I have no life, sorry) in the leading by traffic monitor I found this thread: Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 3:05 pm Post subject: Yesterday a TOP RATED HYIP, today a SUPER SCAM Reply with quote The true is that after several months people still believing in a miracle and that the so called Polas brothers will be back from nowhere in a fog morning refunding all their members and accepting new. donations, I mean new investments. I found it amazing, but more amazing yet when I can imagine that a year from now people will continue waiting for Polas brothers to be back. How have they achieved and still maintain such confidence from so many people It certainly is not explained only because they have been regularly paying high interests for several months, I bet some share that responsability and I would see with satisfaction any alteration the way Hyips are approached to, mainly the so called top rated. I still waiting for my 210 bucks to be returned by Golden Rocks, as I expect to be refunded by sX-Invest, 5 Day Profit, Diverse Fund, CGFinancial, 5DayFunds, Adkins amp Reinbolt, SPS Income, Luxury Hyip, New Line Hyip, Hyip. us, Forexin, New England Investments, Croft Bros, Brunie Gold, Golden Club, 5 Day Hyip, etc. etc. (the list is not complete) and to me it looks exactly the same thing, doesn39t matter the name is A or B, X or Y. Somebody, the owners of those hyips are retaining or stealing my money, as yours, are they normal or top rated hyips. If there is a difference to consider, then the so called top rated hyips should be designated as SUPER SCAMS and strongly denounced because they have created higher illusions, higher expectation to their members than thousands and thousands of normal hyips will ever do. These top rated hyips even have, most of the time, gone not with 1, 5, 10, 25 may be 50 bucks as normal hyips did, but with thousands of dollars. It is not acceptable they even benefit after stop fullfilling their obligations only because they are top rated, while the others are denounced as scams. On the contrary, they should be stronger denounced once they created higher expectation. Not doing this it is not serious and can only be undestood as active protection and collaboration with SUPER SCAM schemes Posted by: soccer May 3 2006, 02:05 AM last quote for today djabe 5 Star Hyip Ranker Joined: 10 Jan 2006 Posts: 503 Location: Close to far away PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 8:08 am when I read the site for wearescammers. I felt like i was reading words of the admin who ran and others. you know, the professional HYIP scammers who are the ones who wrote that ever so popular letter to everyone. quotLiberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it. quot - George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950) source is the wearescammers topic at hyipranks/forums/viewtopic. phpt5177 Posted by: grand2005 May 5 2006, 08:18 AM Withdrawal 036 0.48 May-5-2006 06:17:58 AM Withdraw processed. Batch id 60791418 Withdrawal 036 0.48 May-5-2006 06:16:43 AM Withdraw processed. Batch id 60791330 Withdrawal 036 0.48 May-5-2006 06:14:36 AM Withdraw processed. Batch id 60791192 For this period: 036 1.44 Total: 036 1.44 Posted by: finix May 12 2006, 07:42 AM Received a payment last Sunday - 84 cents. Long Live WeAreScammers. A riddle for the fellow wearescammers members: if we are a part of wearescammers, does it mean that we are scammers Posted by: finix May 13 2006, 03:45 PM WeAreScammers now has a forum. For your reading pleasure, the administration of the WeAreScammers provided responses to a few posts in this thread. Apreciar. One of our members has emailed us a thread in MMG, now I am going to take a little of my free time to answer all questions, lol. Our Answer: Which admin who scam is going to reveal his true identity, you must be joking33 LOL. even if they reveal their identity, most likely the identity is fake. They didn39t run away with 1 million in fact, this is just a statistics which is given by them which you believe it ignorantly. Plain niave, you need to learn more. Our Answer: You are right, no hyip is going last more than 3 years, but our brain in scamming people going to last more than 3 years Our Answer: Nope, we don39t invest your money in running our HYIPs. We have our own fund in running HYIPs. Our answer: You must be ignorant of how the HYIP industry is. Lol, you must be those who are satisified with earning few hundred per month from HYIPs or are being scammed by us or others. Our source of income come from opening scams and scam people. US036150,000 per month is definitely possible You must be failed to earn a lot of money from your scam, yar Our answer: So a person with 8 years of excellent track record in a forum will win your trust. RI MUITO. for your stupidity, the admin of MMG maybe running HYIPs scams too, you think they satisifed with just advertising dollars Our answer: Sure, this is an unique approach by us, those who understand the concept, don39t need us to explain. Our answer: Because we are indeed scammers and it will attract attention of many people. Our answer: Look like we have a crazy supporter here This is certainly not us but is a good try. Our answer: You don39t have to be sure we are running those scam sites, we are scammers, you just have to believe what we say like you did with other HYIPs. LOL, what you mean by stable income. Income that earns you few dollars over the next 7 days. You must have a good sense of humour. Sure, go ahead and invest in other HYIPs, lol, you are just rolling bucks into their pocket, we don39t stop you, we don39t need your few dollars User: I wont invest for those hyip that has no contact button Our answer: Why do you need contact button for For getting fake information from us Our answer: I am really satisified reading all this, because it pisses you off. It gives me a sense of satisfaction that we are running our over 100 HYIPs well. What do you want to warn about There are only 2 choices for people, either they earn or they are scammed. You are intelligent but not so highly intelligent. If we run away, you can boost your reputation and say, quotSee33 I told you33quot. If we didn39t run away, you will say quotWell33 They won39t last long33quot. So any of the advices given by you, boost your reputation in MMG. I want to tell you something that will piss you off most likely, is that people who attack us in MMG are advertising our other HYIPs33 LOL33 Our answer: Talking about scammers, I am sure you are one of them. Putting your referral links everywhere, trying to earn commission from people of what you think is quotHonestquot hyip. In the end, they run off. You earn your referral commission while your downlines, lose money, so tell me, who is the culprit Well, or should I say, you just want some advertising spacing for your HYIP Go ahead, I don39t mind LOL, of course this is the most stupidest thing you ever heard. You don39t understand the program. I need to be here because it is earning me US036150,000 per month. Real investment makes you money, but running scams make us more money, it is the highest ROI that you can ever think of. Your mind is just too narrow minded, may I know how much you earn per month US036500 per month What statistics do you want Okay, we fake our statistics we have over thousand members with US036300,000 deposits, we have made a total withdrawal of US036500,000 to members. Is this the statistics you are talking about LOL, how long have you been in the HYIP industry Few months Okay, if that fake statistics make you feel happy, Im in with it. Obvious name What name do you want us to name Honestpeople Obvious bad history with bad sites LOL, we already say we run scams, which part of our English did you not understand LOL, you must be joking about you running a scam. If the early members have already profitted 150 from your site, and if there is no new investment, you will give full refund. So are you going to use our own money to give full refund to the late members I think you have many years to learn how to run a scam site. Stop making people believe that you are honest Our answer: Well, we just take 20 of the HYIPs market, the other 80 are run by others. Our answer: Well, please take some time to learn. Just because admin says something, people believe it. quotOur e-gold is hacked, so we need to close down the sitequot, if that what makes you believe it, then alright, I have nothing to say Our answer: LOL, I have taken the time to look at your site. Scam Buster Squad LOL, what a joke and you must be kidding. What due diligence has the SBS done Are they professionally certified, or just a group of people who form this squad and call themselves professional to certified HYIPs Our answer: 5 Years I suggest that you edit your post or restrain from making the post next time. The banners you advertise are all ponzis. Our answer: LOL, not ponzi. Are the sites run by you I certified them as ponzi Why Take a look at slater, a deposit of US0365,900 that is on maturity, is not withdrawing LOL, call yourself honest Why use fake statictics Okay, let the investors decide themselves As I told you, you are still a noob in scamming industry and have much more to learn. That is a free tips for you. Our answer: Thanks for your comments, we will see how brilliant is the 10 years old kid. Answer: Sure make that claim, lol, you are just plain stupid33 Having thousands posts and speak like a guru doesn39t make you a professional. It is indeed we are giving free money, uptill a maximum of US03630,000 per month. From your point of view, you don39t see why we are doing this From our business point of view, this is needed because of marketing and needing to maintain the interest. You think I just going to give you free money You must be joking33 Is either you believe or you don39t believe33 So you just have to gamble your money33 False advertising being illegal What are you talking about We are scamming, the activity itself is already illegal33 LOL, its really fun talking to you, quotProfessionalquot. Okay, I not going downgrade myself to your level. Our answer: Thanks for making me look so young33 I wish I am 13 years old and have that brilliant brain of mine now Our answer: Thanks for your comments. Yes, you are right, we certainly noob about investing and we don39t have the money. That is why we don39t do investing and the money probably come from you, investing into our other HYIPs scam. RI MUITO. Our answer: It is indeed we are the owner of Invex. And yes we do admit the sites listed are ours, you don39t see the reason why we are giving it back, lol, of course, because you are not running scam, you don39t see the point of view. There is no way feds can track us, we are using a lot of anonymousity to cover us well Don39t be too smart alec, report it to feds and you cause other harm to people LOL. Our answer: Thanks for making me laugh. Retarded able to earn lots of money per month, I have to salute to myself. Of course I am having some fun with GC template, do you expect me to come out with a professional coded script that costs few thousands Thank you for all posts that you guys have made, it has made my free time spent worth while. You can take this site as entertainment, game or whatever it is, it is your choice33 Posted by: great benefits May 13 2006, 09:28 PM QUOTE(dimpelss 064 May 2 2006, 045819 PM) snapback2027631/snapback he uses it. in his new forum. QUOTE(grand2005 064 May 5 2006, 045818 PM) snapback2050616/snapback Withdrawal 036 0.48 May-5-2006 06:17:58 AM Withdraw processed. Batch id 60791418 Withdrawal 036 0.48 May-5-2006 06:16:43 AM Withdraw processed. Batch id 60791330 Withdrawal 036 0.48 May-5-2006 06:14:36 AM Withdraw processed. Batch id 60791192 For this period: 036 1.44 Total: 036 1.44 grand 2005, I saw you there. you are the member happiness, right Posted by: finix May 14 2006, 06:25 AM Happiness is delta - and a few others in various places. By the way, I was paid my 84 cents today. Next weekend I will get 84 cents x 3. Or not. We39ll see. Long Live WeAreScammers. Posted by: delta moneytalk4profit May 14 2006, 07:53 AM QUOTE(finix 064 May 14 2006, 065825 AM) snapback2114887/snapback Happiness is delta - and a few others in various places. By the way, I was paid my 84 cents today. Next weekend I will get 84 cents x 3. Or not. We39ll see. Long Live WeAreScammers. right, hapiness is me, and happy I am. to meet you there. cool forum. We Are Scammers Forum Index - gt Criticise us33 View previous topic. View next topic Joined: 12 May 2006 Posts: 11 PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2006 10:13 am Post subject: For those who hate us33 Reply with quote Here is the chance to post your hatred against us33 Joined: 13 May 2006 Posts: 10 admin wrote: Here is the chance to post your hatred against us33 I don39t hate you. I hate myself. I worked very hard for the 19K I Lost in hyips in the last 4 years. Did my logical brain told me they were too good to be true Did my desire to grow your hard earned money cause me to ignore this logic Oh, what a loser and Naive believer I was. Joined: 12 May 2006 Posts: 11 Well, I give free tips to people Joined: 13 May 2006 Posts: 10 admin wrote: Well, I give free tips to people Smile WeAreScammers is paying. but members at MMG are in doubt if it will be forever this is funny as well as kinda stupid. cuz the profit is forever. which is real stupidl. ri muito. no hyip had last more than 3 years. Posted by: finix May 19 2006, 10:19 AM QUOTE(delta moneytalk4profit 064 May 14 2006, 115853 AM) snapback2115391/snapback Still here. What a nice surprise. There site was offline for several days, looks like it came back. Posted by: mcristhebest May 29 2006, 08:38 PM This is quite odd that a site with such an ironic domain name would do so well. Posted by: finix Jun 5 2006, 07:45 AM FYI: received 0364.44 from WeAreScammers over the weekend. I hope to see this educational site staying around long enough for a few people to (better) learn about what they are really getting into when they invest in HYIPs. The information stated in FAQs is applicable to 100 of HYIPs and investment based AutoSurfs, without exceptions. Posted by: emanresu7 Jun 10 2006, 06:58 AM Let me conclude an important point here. HYIP (High Yield Investment Programs) Closed amp Scam HYIP Archive JUST a matter of time Posted by: aurox Jun 10 2006, 07:01 AM Is this site still paying. Posted by: aurox Jun 11 2006, 10:26 AM site admin sent me an email. Take a look. it39s really funny. haha This is an update for our program. You have been receiving money weekly from us despite knowing we are scammers. We have just over 85 active members and deposits rose to nearly 0363000 as of today. I cannot believe you guys are still believing in us. Maybe some of you are just quotplayingquot along. And we hereby come to a decision and we have decided to make this scam the best scam ever. YOU will receive daily payment to your egold account AUTOMATICALLY. That means You do not have to withdraw manually from your account balance UNLESS our egold account is hacked WHICH IS VERY UNLIKELY as we are scammers. We will not be hacked, scammed by Stupid advertisers emailing us everyday for their service to post positive feedback for us. We know much more than them to make a program work. This is a scam reward for every members and i hope you guys will be HAPPY with our decision. Take Care and be part of our scam. Posted by: aurox Jun 17 2006, 06:09 AM Receive email from the admin today there will be a refund of our deposits. The site is being redesigned and its beautiful. the plan looks impressive. Will see if admin does refund the 80 members. If you receive payment, please update us too. Posted by: aurox Jun 27 2006, 10:16 AM funniest site is up. got my 03620 refund. am in with 03620 again. great design haha, this is just too funny. At least they tell the truth Posted by: finix Jul 3 2006, 07:40 AM I don39t know about deserving to be scammed as from where I stand nobody deserves to have anything stolen from them, but the principle refund was received, so for my part I wasn39t scammed and have verifiable evidence to prove it. After being scammed one time too many, I don39t know or care to understand anything other than facts. Posted by: mintec Jul 3 2006, 09:02 AM LOL33 Anybody interested to be scammed Come on in if you are. Posted by: aurox Jul 4 2006, 10:46 AM Withdrawal 036 15.00 Jul-4-2006 11:44:34 AM Withdraw to account XXXXXX. Batch is 64147179 Thanks. got my withdrawal333333 instant withdraw too. Posted by: aurox Jul 5 2006, 07:46 AM haha got paid again. cheerz

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